Paper Digest: SIGIR 2014 Highlights
SIGIR (Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval) is one of the top information retrieval conferences in the world.
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Paper Digest Team
TABLE 1: SIGIR 2014 Papers
Title | Authors | Highlight | |
1 | Putting searchers into search | Susan T. Dumais | To address these challenges we need to extend our evaluation methods to handle the diversity of searchers, tasks, and interactivity that characterize information systems today. |
2 | Modelling interaction with economic models of search | Leif Azzopardi | In this paper, we extend the recently proposed search economic theory to make the model more realistic. |
3 | Query-performance prediction: setting the expectations straight | Fiana Raiber, Oren Kurland | Focusing on this specific prediction task, namely query ranking by presumed effectiveness, we present a novel learning-to-rank-based approach that uses Markov Random Fields. |
4 | Hypothesis testing for the risk-sensitive evaluation of retrieval systems | B. Taner Dinçer, Craig Macdonald, Iadh Ounis | Hence, we introduce a risk-reward tradeoff measure TRisk that generalises the existing URisk measure (as used in the TREC 2013 Web track’s risk-sensitive task) while being theoretically grounded in statistical hypothesis testing and easily interpretable. |
5 | Temporal feedback for tweet search with non-parametric density estimation | Miles Efron, Jimmy Lin, Jiyin He, Arjen de Vries | Our contributions lie in a method to characterize this temporal density function using kernel density estimation, with and without human relevance judgments, and an approach to integrating this information into a standard retrieval model. |
6 | Fine-grained location extraction from tweets with temporal awareness | Chenliang Li, Aixin Sun | In this paper, we are interested in extracting fine-grained locations mentioned in tweets with temporal awareness. |
7 | Collaborative personalized Twitter search with topic-language models | Jan Vosecky, Kenneth Wai-Ting Leung, Wilfred Ng | In this paper, we therefore propose a novel framework for Collaborative Personalized Twitter Search. |
8 | Gaussian process factorization machines for context-aware recommendations | Trung V. Nguyen, Alexandros Karatzoglou, Linas Baltrunas | To address this limitation, we develop a novel and powerful non-linear probabilistic algorithm for context-aware recommendation using Gaussian processes. |
9 | Addressing cold start in recommender systems: a semi-supervised co-training algorithm | Mi Zhang, Jie Tang, Xuchen Zhang, Xiangyang Xue | In this paper we tackle the cold-start problem by proposing a context-aware semi-supervised co-training method named CSEL. |
10 | Explicit factor models for explainable recommendation based on phrase-level sentiment analysis | Yongfeng Zhang, Guokun Lai, Min Zhang, Yi Zhang, Yiqun Liu, Shaoping Ma | In this work, we propose the Explicit Factor Model (EFM) to generate explainable recommendations, meanwhile keep a high prediction accuracy. |
11 | Context-aware web search abandonment prediction | Yang Song, Xiaolin Shi, Ryen White, Ahmed Hassan Awadallah | We propose more advanced methods for modeling and predicting abandonment rationales using contextual information from user search sessions by analyzing search engine logs, and discover dependencies between abandoned queries and user behaviors. |
12 | Impact of response latency on user behavior in web search | Ioannis Arapakis, Xiao Bai, B. Barla Cambazoglu | In order to fill this gap, we conduct two separate studies aiming to reveal how response latency affects the user behavior in web search. |
13 | Towards better measurement of attention and satisfaction in mobile search | Dmitry Lagun, Chih-Hung Hsieh, Dale Webster, Vidhya Navalpakkam | In this paper, we studied whether tracking the browser viewport (visible portion of a web page) on mobile phones could enable accurate measurement of user attention at scale, and provide good measurement of search satisfaction in the absence of clicks. |
14 | Modeling action-level satisfaction for search task satisfaction prediction | Hongning Wang, Yang Song, Ming-Wei Chang, Xiaodong He, Ahmed Hassan, Ryen W. White | To do this, we develop a latent structural learning method, whereby rich structured features and dependency relations unique to search satisfaction prediction are explored. |
15 | Circumlocution in diagnostic medical queries | Isabelle Stanton, Samuel Ieong, Nina Mishra | Given a free-form colloquial health search query, our objective is to find the underlying professional medical term. |
16 | Interactions between health searchers and search engines | Georg P. Schoenherr, Ryen W. White | In this paper, we investigate potential strate- gies to mine queries and searcher histories for clues that could help search engines choose the most appropriate infor- mation to present in response to exploratory medical queries. |
17 | Evaluation of machine-learning protocols for technology-assisted review in electronic discovery | Gordon V. Cormack, Maura R. Grossman | Abstract Using a novel evaluation toolkit that simulates a human reviewer in the loop, we compare the effectiveness of three machine-learning protocols for technology-assisted review as used in document review for discovery in legal proceedings. |
18 | ReQ-ReC: high recall retrieval with query pooling and interactive classification | Cheng Li, Yue Wang, Paul Resnick, Qiaozhu Mei | We describe and demonstrate the effectiveness of ReQ-ReC (ReQuery-ReClassify), a double-loop retrieval system that combines iterative expansion of a query set with iterative refinements of a classifier. |
19 | Supervised hashing with latent factor models | Peichao Zhang, Wei Zhang, Wu-Jun Li, Minyi Guo | In this paper, we propose a novel supervised hashing method, called latent factor hashing(LFH), to learn similarity-preserving binary codes based on latent factor models. |
20 | Preference preserving hashing for efficient recommendation | Zhiwei Zhang, Qifan Wang, Lingyun Ruan, Luo Si | In this paper, a novel hashing algorithm, named Preference Preserving Hashing (PPH), is proposed to speed up recommendation. |
21 | Load balancing for partition-based similarity search | Xun Tang, Maha Alabduljalil, Xin Jin, Tao Yang | This paper presents a two-stage heuristic algorithm to improve the load balance and shorten the overall processing time. |
22 | Estimating global statistics for unstructured P2P search in the presence of adversarial peers | Sami Richardson, Ingemar J. Cox | As a defense, we propose a simple modification to the extension, and show global statistics estimation is viable even when up to 40% of peers are adversarial. |
23 | Hierarchical multi-label classification of social text streams | Zhaochun Ren, Maria-Hendrike Peetz, Shangsong Liang, Willemijn van Dolen, Maarten de Rijke | In this paper we focus on hierarchical multi-label classification of social text streams. |
24 | An adaptive teleportation random walk model for learning social tag relevance | Xiaofei Zhu, Wolfgang Nejdl, Mihai Georgescu | In this paper, we cast the social tag relevance learning problem as an adaptive teleportation random walk process on the voting graph. |
25 | Predicting the popularity of web 2.0 items based on user comments | Xiangnan He, Ming Gao, Min-Yen Kan, Yiqun Liu, Kazunari Sugiyama | To enable popularity prediction externally without excessive crawling, we propose an alternative solution by leveraging user comments, which are more accessible than view counts. |
26 | Recommending social media content to community owners | Inbal Ronen, Ido Guy, Elad Kravi, Maya Barnea | We compared seven different methods for generating recommendations, including content-based, member-based, and hybridization of the two. |
27 | Predictive parallelization: taming tail latencies in web search | Myeongjae Jeon, Saehoon Kim, Seung-won Hwang, Yuxiong He, Sameh Elnikety, Alan L. Cox, Scott Rixner | Motivated by these observations, we propose a predictive parallelization framework with two parts: (1) predicting long-running queries, and (2) selectively parallelizing them. |
28 | Skewed partial bitvectors for list intersection | Andrew Kane, Frank Wm. Tompa | To refute this belief, we propose several approaches to improve the performance of ranking-based search systems using bitvectors, and leave their verification for future work. |
29 | Partitioned Elias-Fano indexes | Giuseppe Ottaviano, Rossano Venturini | In this paper we describe a new representation based on partitioning the list into chunks and encoding both the chunks and their endpoints with Elias-Fano, hence forming a two-level data structure. |
30 | Principled dictionary pruning for low-memory corpus compression | Jiancong Tong, Anthony Wirth, Justin Zobel | We develop a formal model of our approach, based on generating an optimal dictionary for a given collection within a memory bound. |
31 | Learning for search result diversification | Yadong Zhu, Yanyan Lan, Jiafeng Guo, Xueqi Cheng, Shuzi Niu | In this paper, we address search result diversification as a learning problem, and introduce a novel relational learning-to-rank approach to formulate the task. |
32 | Fusion helps diversification | Shangsong Liang, Zhaochun Ren, Maarten de Rijke | We adopt a different perspective on the problem, based on data fusion. |
33 | Utilizing relevance feedback in fusion-based retrieval | Ella Rabinovich, Ofri Rom, Oren Kurland | Accordingly, we devise methods that utilize the feedback while exploiting the special characteristics of the fusion setting. |
34 | A simple term frequency transformation model for effective pseudo relevance feedback | Zheng Ye, Jimmy Xiangji Huang | In this paper, we propose a simple and heuristic, but effective model, in which three term frequency transformation techniques are integrated to capture the saliency of a candidate term associated with the original query terms in the feedback documents. |
35 | Seeking simplicity in search user interfaces | Marti A. Hearst | In this talk I will give examples of such successes in the information-intensive interface design space, and attempt to provide stimulating ideas for future research directions. |
36 | Who is the barbecue king of texas?: a geo-spatial approach to finding local experts on twitter | Zhiyuan Cheng, James Caverlee, Himanshu Barthwal, Vandana Bachani | Hence in this paper, we propose a geo-spatial-driven approach for identifying local experts that leverages the fine-grained GPS coordinates of millions of Twitter users. |
37 | Your neighbors affect your ratings: on geographical neighborhood influence to rating prediction | Longke Hu, Aixin Sun, Yong Liu | Using the business review data from Yelp, in this paper, we study business rating prediction. |
38 | Processing spatial keyword query as a top-k aggregation query | Dongxiang Zhang, Chee-Yong Chan, Kian-Lee Tan | In this paper, we propose a new approach that is based on modeling the problem as a top-k aggregation problem which enables the design of a scalable and efficient solution that is based on the ubiquitous inverted list index. |
39 | Entity query feature expansion using knowledge base links | Jeffrey Dalton, Laura Dietz, James Allan | In this paper, we propose a new technique, called entity query feature expansion (EQFE) which enriches the query with features from entities and their links to knowledge bases, including structured attributes and text. |
40 | QUADS: question answering for decision support | Zi Yang, Ying Li, James Cai, Eric Nyberg | In this paper, we propose a novel decision representation which allows decision makers to formulate and organize natural language questions or assertions into an analytic hierarchy, which can be evaluated as part of an ad hoc decision process or as a documented, repeatable analytic process. |
41 | Topic labeled text classification: a weakly supervised approach | Swapnil Hingmire, Sutanu Chakraborti | In this paper, we propose a weakly supervised text classification algorithm based on the labeling of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topics. |
42 | Discriminative coupled dictionary hashing for fast cross-media retrieval | Zhou Yu, Fei Wu, Yi Yang, Qi Tian, Jiebo Luo, Yueting Zhuang | We propose a discriminative coupled dictionary hashing (DCDH) method in this paper. |
43 | Active hashing with joint data example and tag selection | Qifan Wang, Luo Si, Zhiwei Zhang, Ning Zhang | This paper proposes a novel active hashing approach, Active Hashing with Joint Data Example and Tag Selection (AH-JDETS), which actively selects the most informative data examples and tags in a joint manner for hashing function learning. |
44 | Latent semantic sparse hashing for cross-modal similarity search | Jile Zhou, Guiguang Ding, Yuchen Guo | To address these challenges, in this paper, we propose a novel Latent Semantic Sparse Hashing (LSSH) to perform cross-modal similarity search by employing Sparse Coding and Matrix Factorization. |
45 | Predicting term-relevance from brain signals | Manuel J.A. Eugster, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Michiel M. Spapé, Ilkka Kosunen, Oswald Barral, Niklas Ravaja, Giulio Jacucci, Samuel Kaski | As an application of TRPB we demonstrate a high-precision variant of the classifier that constructs sets of relevant terms for a given unknown topic of interest. |
46 | Multidimensional relevance modeling via psychometrics and crowdsourcing | Yinglong Zhang, Jin Zhang, Matthew Lease, Jacek Gwizdka | In this work, we identify and address these limitations, scale their methodology via crowdsourcing, and describe quality control methods from psychometrics which stand to benefit crowdsourcing IR studies in general. |
47 | Learning user reformulation behavior for query auto-completion | Jyun-Yu Jiang, Yen-Yu Ke, Pao-Yu Chien, Pu-Jen Cheng | The purpose of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of exploiting the context to learn user reformulation behavior for boosting prediction performance. |
48 | A two-dimensional click model for query auto-completion | Yanen Li, Anlei Dong, Hongning Wang, Hongbo Deng, Yi Chang, ChengXiang Zhai | In order to better explain them, we pro- pose a novel two-dimensional click model for modeling the QAC process with emphasis on these behaviors. |
49 | On measuring social friend interest similarities in recommender systems | Hao Ma | In this paper, aiming at providing fundamental support to the research of social recommendation problem, we conduct an in-depth analysis on the correlations between social friend relations and user interest similarities. |
50 | IMRank: influence maximization via finding self-consistent ranking | Suqi Cheng, Huawei Shen, Junming Huang, Wei Chen, Xueqi Cheng | Early methods mainly fall into two paradigms with certain benefits and drawbacks: (1) Greedy algorithms, selecting seed nodes one by one, give a guaranteed accuracy relying on the accurate approximation of influence spread with high computational cost; (2) Heuristic algorithms, estimating influence spread using efficient heuristics, have low computational cost but unstable accuracy. |
51 | User-driven system-mediated collaborative information retrieval | Laure Soulier, Chirag Shah, Lynda Tamine | In this paper, we propose to combine both of these approaches by a role mining methodology that learns from users’ actions about the retrieval strategy they adapt. |
52 | SearchPanel: framing complex search needs | Pernilla Qvarfordt, Simon Tretter, Gene Golovchinsky, Tony Dunnigan | This extension combines document and process metadata into an interactive representation of the retrieved documents that can be used for sense-making, navigation, and re-finding documents. |
53 | Cohort modeling for enhanced personalized search | Jinyun Yan, Wei Chu, Ryen W. White | In this paper we describe a characterization and evaluation of the use of such cohort modeling to enhance search personalization. |
54 | Characterizing multi-click search behavior and the risks and opportunities of changing results during use | Chia-Jung Lee, Jaime Teevan, Sebastian de la Chica | Using large scale query log analysis, we characterize what people do when they return to a result page after having visited an initial result. |
55 | The data revolution: how companies are transforming with big data | Hugh E. Williams | In this talk, Hugh Williams shares stories about data and how it is used to build Internet products, and explains why he believes data will transform businesses as we know them. |
56 | Learning similarity functions for topic detection in online reputation monitoring | Damiano Spina, Julio Gonzalo, Enrique Amigó | We focus on a solution for the problem that (i) learns a pairwise tweet similarity function from previously annotated data, using all kinds of content-based and Twitter-based features; (ii) applies a clustering algorithm on the previously learned similarity function. |
57 | Predicting trending messages and diffusion participants in microblogging network | Jingwen Bian, Yang Yang, Tat-Seng Chua | In this work, we define three types of influences, namely, interest-oriented influence, social-oriented influence, and epidemic-oriented influence, that will affect a user’s decision on whether to perform a diffusion action. |
58 | Leveraging knowledge across media for spammer detection in microblogging | Xia Hu, Jiliang Tang, Huan Liu | Inspired by the findings, we present an optimization formulation that enables the design of spammer detection in microblogging using knowledge from external media. |
59 | Using information scent and need for cognition to understand online search behavior | Wan-Ching Wu, Diane Kelly, Avneesh Sud | The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which two theories, Information Scent and Need for Cognition, explain people’s search behaviors when interacting with search engine results pages (SERPs). |
60 | Discrimination between tasks with user activity patterns during information search | Michael J. Cole, Chathra Hendahewa, Nicholas J. Belkin, Chirag Shah | We model sequences of interactions with search result and content pages during information search sessions. |
61 | Investigating users’ query formulations for cognitive search intents | Makoto P. Kato, Takehiro Yamamoto, Hiroaki Ohshima, Katsumi Tanaka | This study investigated query formulations by users with {\it Cognitive Search Intents} (CSIs), which are users’ needs for the cognitive characteristics of documents to be retrieved, {\em e.g. comprehensibility, subjectivity, and concreteness. |
62 | Win-win search: dual-agent stochastic game in session search | Jiyun Luo, Sicong Zhang, Hui Yang | We thus propose to model session search as a dual-agent stochastic game: the user agent and the search engine agent work together to jointly maximize their long term rewards. |
63 | Injecting user models and time into precision via Markov chains | Marco Ferrante, Nicola Ferro, Maria Maistro | We propose a family of new evaluation measures, called Markov Precision (MP), which exploits continuous-time and discrete-time Markov chains in order to inject user models into precision. |
64 | Searching, browsing, and clicking in a search session: changes in user behavior by task and over time | Jiepu Jiang, Daqing He, James Allan | In this paper, we characterize and compare user behavior in relatively long search sessions (10 minutes; about 5 queries) for search tasks of four different types. |
65 | Coarse-to-fine review selection via supervised joint aspect and sentiment model | Zhen Hai, Gao Cong, Kuiyu Chang, Wenting Liu, Peng Cheng | We propose a novel supervised joint aspect and sentiment model (SJASM), which is a probabilistic topic modeling framework that jointly discovers aspects and sentiments guided by a review helpfulness metric. |
66 | Cross-domain and cross-category emotion tagging for comments of online news | Ying Zhang, Ning Zhang, Luo Si, Yanshan Lu, Qifan Wang, Xiaojie Yuan | This paper proposes a novel framework to transfer knowledge across different news domains. |
67 | Economically-efficient sentiment stream analysis | Roberto Lourenco Jr., Adriano Veloso, Adriano Pereira, Wagner Meira Jr., Renato Ferreira, Srinivasan Parthasarathy | In this paper we address these challenges by proposing algorithms that select relevant training instances at each time step, so that training sets are kept small while providing to the classifier the capabilities to suit itself to, and to recover itself from, different types of sentiment drifts. |
68 | New and improved: modeling versions to improve app recommendation | Jovian Lin, Kazunari Sugiyama, Min-Yen Kan, Tat-Seng Chua | We present a novel framework that incorporates features distilled from version descriptions into app recommendation. |
69 | Bundle recommendation in ecommerce | Tao Zhu, Patrick Harrington, Junjun Li, Lei Tang | In this paper, we introduce a novel problem called the Bundle Recommendation Problem (BRP). |
70 | Does product recommendation meet its waterloo in unexplored categories?: no, price comes to help | Jia Chen, Qin Jin, Shiwan Zhao, Shenghua Bao, Li Zhang, Zhong Su, Yong Yu | In this paper, we investigate the challenge problem of product recommendation in unexplored categories and discover that the price, a factor transferrable across categories, can improve the recommendation performance significantly. |
71 | Query expansion for mixed-script information retrieval | Parth Gupta, Kalika Bali, Rafael E. Banchs, Monojit Choudhury, Paolo Rosso | In this paper, we formally introduce the concept of Mixed-Script IR, and through analysis of the query logs of Bing search engine, estimate the prevalence and thereby establish the importance of this problem. |
72 | Retrieval of similar chess positions | Debasis Ganguly, Johannes Leveling, Gareth J.F. Jones | We address the problem of retrieving chess game positions similar to a given query position from a collection of archived chess games. |
73 | A mathematics retrieval system for formulae in layout presentations | Xiaoyan Lin, Liangcai Gao, Xuan Hu, Zhi Tang, Yingnan Xiao, Xiaozhong Liu | This paper proposes an innovative mathematics retrieval system along with the novel algorithms, which enables efficient formula index and retrieval from both webpages and PDF documents. |
74 | The knowing camera 2: recognizing and annotating places-of-interest in smartphone photos | Pai Peng, Lidan Shou, Ke Chen, Gang Chen, Sai Wu | We propose a`"Spatial+Visual" (S+V) framework which consists of a probabilistic field-of-view model in the spatial phase and sparse coding similarity metric in the visual phase to recognize phone-captured POIs. |
75 | Click-through-based cross-view learning for image search | Yingwei Pan, Ting Yao, Tao Mei, Houqiang Li, Chong-Wah Ngo, Yong Rui | We demonstrate in this paper that the above two fundamental challenges can be mitigated by jointly exploring the cross-view learning and the use of click-through data. |
76 | Learning to personalize trending image search suggestion | Chun-Che Wu, Tao Mei, Winston H. Hsu, Yong Rui | In this paper, we move one step forward to investigate personalized suggestion of trending image searches according to users’ search behaviors. |
77 | PRISM: concept-preserving social image search results summarization | Boon-Siew Seah, Sourav S. Bhowmick, Aixin Sun | In this paper, we present a novel concept-preserving image search results summarization algorithm named Prism. |
78 | Time-critical search | Nina Mishra, Ryen W. White, Samuel Ieong, Eric Horvitz | We study time-critical search, where users have urgent information needs in the context of an acute problem. |
79 | Learning temporal-dependent ranking models | Miguel Costa, Francisco Couto, Mário Silva | Based on the assumption that closer periods are more likely to hold similar web characteristics, our framework learns multiple models simultaneously, each tuned for a specific period. |
80 | Web page segmentation with structured prediction and its application in web page classification | Lidong Bing, Rui Guo, Wai Lam, Zheng-Yu Niu, Haifeng Wang | We propose a framework which can perform Web page segmentation with a structured prediction approach. |
81 | Query log driven web search results clustering | Jose G. Moreno, Gaël Dias, Guillaume Cleuziou | Following this trend, we present a new algorithm called Dual C-Means, which provides a theoretical background for clustering in different representation spaces. |
82 | CTSUM: extracting more certain summaries for news articles | Xiaojun Wan, Jianmin Zhang | In this paper, we propose a novel system called CTSUM to incorporate the new factor of information certainty into the summarization task. |
83 | Continuous word embeddings for detecting local text reuses at the semantic level | Qi Zhang, Jihua Kang, Jin Qian, Xuanjing Huang | In this paper, we introduce a novel method to efficiently detect local reuses at the semantic level for large scale problems. |
84 | CiteSight: supporting contextual citation recommendation using differential search | Avishay Livne, Vivek Gokuladas, Jaime Teevan, Susan T. Dumais, Eytan Adar | In this paper we explore how a range of search needs and expectations can be supported within a single search system using differential search. |
85 | Cross-language context-aware citation recommendation in scientific articles | Xuewei Tang, Xiaojun Wan, Xun Zhang | In this paper, we define a novel task of cross-language context-aware citation recommendation, which aims at recommending English citations for a given context of the place where a citation is made in a Chinese paper. |
86 | Search result diversification via data fusion | Shengli Wu, Chunlan Huang | In this short paper, we propose a few data fusion methods to try to improve performance when both relevance and diversity are concerned. |
87 | Hashtag recommendation for hyperlinked tweets | Surendra Sedhai, Aixin Sun | In this paper, we study the problem of hashtag recommendation for hyperlinked tweets (i.e., tweets containing links to Web pages). |
88 | Personalized document re-ranking based on Bayesian probabilistic matrix factorization | Fei Cai, Shangsong Liang, Maarten de Rijke | Using search logs from a commercial search engine, we (i) investigate the impact of features derived from user behavior on reranking a generic ranked list; (ii) optimally integrate the contributions of user behavior and candidate documents by learning their relative importance per query based on similar users. |
89 | Using the cross-entropy method to re-rank search results | Haggai Roitman, Shay Hummel, Oren Kurland | We present a novel unsupervised approach to re-ranking an initially retrieved list. |
90 | Computing and applying topic-level user interactions in microblog recommendation | Xiao Lu, Peng Li, Hongyuan Ma, Shuxin Wang, Anying Xu, Bin Wang | To explore the effects of behavior based relationship on recommendation, we propose an Interaction Based Collaborative Filtering (IBCF) approach. |
91 | Towards context-aware search with right click | Aixin Sun, Chii-Hian Lou | To this end, we evaluate 7 text component extraction schemes, and 5 feature extraction schemes. |
92 | Rendering expressions to improve accuracy of relevance assessment for math search | Matthias S. Reichenbach, Anurag Agarwal, Richard Zanibbi | We designed a study where participants completed search tasks involving mathematical expressions using two different summary styles, and measured response time and relevance assessment accuracy. |
93 | Exploring recommendations in internet of things | Lina Yao, Quan Z. Sheng, Anne H.H. Ngu, Helen Ashman, Xue Li | In this paper, we focus on the things recommendation problem in Internet of Things (IoT). |
94 | Sig-SR: SimRank search over singular graphs | Weiren Yu, Julie A. McCann | In this paper, we provide a treatment of [1], by supporting similarity assessment on non-invertible adjacency matrices. |
95 | Old dogs are great at new tricks: column stores for ir prototyping | Hannes Mühleisen, Thaer Samar, Jimmy Lin, Arjen de Vries | We make the suggestion that instead of implementing custom index structures and query evaluation algorithms, IR researchers should simply store document representations in a column-oriented relational database and implement ranking models using SQL. |
96 | The role of network distance in linkedin people search | Shih-Wen Huang, Daniel Tunkelang, Karrie Karahalios | This paper presents insights about people search behavior on LinkedIn, based on a log analysis and a user study. |
97 | Latent community discovery through enterprise user search query modeling | Kevin M. Carter, Rajmonda S. Caceres, Ben Priest | In this work, we present a two-step framework for classifying user behavior within an enterprise in a data-driven way. |
98 | Examining collaborative query reformulation: a case of travel information searching | Abu Shamim Mohammad Arif, Jia Tina Du, Ivan Lee | This paper investigates query reformulation behavior in collaborative tourism information searching on the Web. |
99 | Influential nodes selection: a data reconstruction perspective | Zhefeng Wang, Hao Wang, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen | In this paper, we view the influence maximization problem from the perspective of data reconstruction and propose a novel framework named \textsl{Data Reconstruction for Influence Maximization}(DRIM). |
100 | A fusion approach to cluster labeling | Haggai Roitman, Shay Hummel, Michal Shmueli-Scheuer | We present a novel approach to the cluster labeling task using fusion methods. |
101 | Evaluating the effort involved in relevance assessments for images | Martin Halvey, Robert Villa | In this paper, we focus on the process by which relevance is judged for images, and in particular, the degree of effort a user must expend to judge relevance for different topics. |
102 | Diversifying query suggestions based on query documents | Youngho Kim, W. Bruce Croft | To help users in this situation, we propose a method to suggest diverse queries that can cover multiple aspects of the query document. |
103 | Comparing client and server dwell time estimates for click-level satisfaction prediction | Youngho Kim, Ahmed Hassan, Ryen W. White, Imed Zitouni | In this paper, we define three different dwell times, i.e., server-side, client-side, and trail dwell time, and examine their effectiveness for predicting click satisfaction. |
104 | Score-safe term-dependency processing with hybrid indexes | Matthias Petri, Alistair Moffat, J. Shane Culpepper | We present a hybrid approach which leverages score-safe processing and suffix-based self-indexing structures in order to provide efficient and effective top-k document retrieval. |
105 | Co-training on authorship attribution with very fewlabeled examples: methods vs. views | Tieyun Qian, Bing Liu, Ming Zhong, Guoliang He | In this paper, we present a novel two-view co-training framework to iteratively identify the authors of a few unlabeled data to augment the training set. |
106 | Probabilistic text modeling with orthogonalized topics | Enpeng Yao, Guoqing Zheng, Ou Jin, Shenghua Bao, Kailong Chen, Zhong Su, Yong Yu | In this paper, we propose the Orthogonalized Topic Model(OTM) which imposes an orthogonality constraint on the topic-term distributions. |
107 | Evaluating non-deterministic retrieval systems | Gaya K. Jayasinghe, William Webber, Mark Sanderson, Lasitha S. Dharmasena, J. Shane Culpepper | Using the context of distributed information retrieval as a case study for our investigation, we propose a solution based on multivariate linear modeling. |
108 | Extending test collection pools without manual runs | Gaya K. Jayasinghe, William Webber, Mark Sanderson, J. Shane Culpepper | In this work, we explore fully automated approaches to generating a pool. |
109 | The search duel: a response to a strong ranker | Peter Izsak, Fiana Raiber, Oren Kurland, Moshe Tennenholtz | We present a per-query algorithmic approach that leverages fundamental retrieval principles such as pseudo-feedback-based relevance modeling. |
110 | Modeling the evolution of product entities | Priya Radhakrishnan, Manish Gupta, Vasudeva Varma | In this paper, we tackle the problem of finding the previous version (predecessor) of a product entity. |
111 | Predicting bursts and popularity of hashtags in real-time | Shoubin Kong, Qiaozhu Mei, Ling Feng, Fei Ye, Zhe Zhao | In this paper, we study the problems of real-time prediction of bursting hashtags. |
112 | Probabilistic ensemble learning for vietnamese word segmentation | Wuying Liu, Li Lin | This paper addresses the problem of Vietnamese word segmentation, proposes a probabilistic ensemble learning (PEL) framework, and designs a novel PEL-based word segmentation (PELWS) algorithm. |
113 | Improving unsupervised query segmentation using parts-of-speech sequence information | Rishiraj Saha Roy, Yogarshi Vyas, Niloy Ganguly, Monojit Choudhury | We present a generic method for augmenting unsupervised query segmentation by incorporating Parts-of-Speech (POS) sequence information to detect meaningful but rare n-grams. |
114 | Building a query log via crowdsourcing | Omar Alonso, Maria Stone | We explore a different alternative based on human computation to gather a bit more information from users and show the type of query log that would be possible to construct. |
115 | Web search without ‘stupid’ results | Aleksandra Lomakina, Nikita Povarov, Pavel Serdyukov | So, we attempted to find a method to determine such documents and reduce their negative impact upon users and, as a consequence, on search engines in general. |
116 | Discovering real-world use cases for a multimodal math search interface | Keita Del Valle Wangari, Richard Zanibbi, Anurag Agarwal | We present a user study examining whether min changes search behavior for mathematical non-experts, and to identify real-world usage scenarios for multimodal math search interfaces. |
117 | Improving search personalisation with dynamic group formation | Thanh Tien Vu, Dawei Song, Alistair Willis, Son Ngoc Tran, Jingfei Li | In this paper, we argue that common interest groups should be dynamically constructed in response to the user’s input query. |
118 | Detection of abnormal profiles on group attacks in recommender systems | Wei Zhou, Yun Sing Koh, Junhao Wen, Shafiq Alam, Gillian Dobbie | We propose a novel technique for identifying group attack profiles which uses an improved metric based on Degree of Similarity with Top Neighbors (DegSim) and Rating Deviation from Mean Agreement (RDMA). |
119 | On run diversity in Evaluation as a Service | Ellen M. Voorhees, Jimmy Lin, Miles Efron | This paper shows that the distinctiveness of the retrieval runs used to construct the first test collection built using EaaS, the TREC 2013 Microblog collection, is not substantially different from that of the TREC-8 ad hoc collection, a high-quality collection built using traditional pooling. |
120 | Evaluating answer passages using summarization measures | Mostafa Keikha, Jae Hyun Park, W. Bruce Croft | In this paper, we describe the advantages of document summarization measures for evaluating answer passage retrieval and show that these measures have high correlation with existing measures and human judgments. |
121 | Analyzing bias in CQA-based expert finding test sets | Reyyan Yeniterzi, Jamie Callan | A more bias free test set construction approach, which has correlated results with the manual assessments, is also proposed in this paper. |
122 | Understanding negation and family history to improve clinical information retrieval | Bevan Koopman, Guido Zuccon | We present a study to understand the effect that negated terms (e.g., "no fever") and family history (e.g., "family his- tory of diabetes") have on searching clinical records. |
123 | Modeling dual role preferences for trust-aware recommendation | Weilong Yao, Jing He, Guangyan Huang, Yanchun Zhang | In this paper, we propose to learn dual role preferences (truster/trustee-specific preferences) for trust-aware recommendation by modeling explicit interactions (e.g., rating and trust) and implicit interactions. |
124 | Mouse movement during relevance judging: implications for determining user attention | Mark D. Smucker, Xiaoyu Sunny Guo, Andrew Toulis | We found that in a large number of cases, the users did nothing more with their mouse than move it to the buttons used for recording the relevance decision. |
125 | PAAP: prefetch-aware admission policies for query results cache in web search engines | Hongyuan Ma, Wei Liu, Bingjie Wei, Liang Shi, Xiuguo Bao, Lihong Wang, Bin Wang | In this paper we present two novel admission policies tailored for query results cache. |
126 | User geospatial context for music recommendation in microblogs | Markus Schedl, Andreu Vall, Katayoun Farrahi | In this paper, we compare performance of various combinations of collaborative filtering and geospatial as well as cultural user models for the task of music recommendation. |
127 | Compositional data analysis (CoDA) approaches to distance in information retrieval | Paul Thomas, David Lovell | In this work we explore compositional data in IR through the lens of distance measures, and demonstrate that common measures, naive to compositions, have some undesirable properties which can be avoided with composition-aware measures. |
128 | Group latent factor model for recommendation with multiple user behaviors | Jian Cheng, Ting Yuan, Jinqiao Wang, Hanqing Lu | To address this problem, we propose a novel recommendation model, named Group Latent Factor Model (GLFM), which attempts to learn a factorization of latent factor space into subspaces that are shared across multiple behaviors and subspaces that are specific to each type of behaviors. |
129 | Hashing with List-Wise learning to rank | Zhou Yu, Fei Wu, Yin Zhang, Siliang Tang, Jian Shao, Yueting Zhuang | In this paper, we consider the hashing problem from the perspective of optimizing a list-wise learning to rank problem and propose an approach called List-Wise supervised Hashing (LWH). |
130 | A burstiness-aware approach for document dating | Dimitrios Kotsakos, Theodoros Lappas, Dimitrios Kotzias, Dimitrios Gunopulos, Nattiya Kanhabua, Kjetil Nørvåg | In this paper, we study the task of approximating the timestamp of a doc- ument, so-called document dating. |
131 | An analysis of query difficulty for information retrieval in the medical domain | Lorraine Goeuriot, Liadh Kelly, Johannes Leveling | We present a post-hoc analysis of a benchmarking activity for information retrieval (IR) in the medical domain to determine if performance for queries with different levels of complexity can be associated with different IR methods or techniques. |
132 | Mobile query reformulations | Milad Shokouhi, Rosie Jones, Umut Ozertem, Karthik Raghunathan, Fernando Diaz | In this paper, we study the query reformulation patterns in mobile logs. |
133 | On peculiarities of positional effects in sponsored search | Vyacheslav Alipov, Valery Topinsky, Ilya Trofimov | In this paper we show the strong evidence that this practice is far from perfection when considering the top ads block on a search engine result page (SERP). |
134 | A collective topic model for milestone paper discovery | Ziyu Lu, Nikos Mamoulis, David W. Cheung | In this paper, we study the automatic discovery of the core papers for a research area. |
135 | Document summarization based on word associations | Oskar Gross, Antoine Doucet, Hannu Toivonen | In this paper we propose a novel, unsupervised method for (multi-)document summarization. |
136 | Do users rate or review?: boost phrase-level sentiment labeling with review-level sentiment classification | Yongfeng Zhang, Haochen Zhang, Min Zhang, Yiqun Liu, Shaoping Ma | In this paper, we attempt to bridge the gap between phrase-level and review/document-level sentiment analysis by leveraging the results given by review-level sentiment classification to boost phrase-level sentiment polarity labeling in contextual sentiment lexicon construction tasks, using a novel constrained convex optimization framework. |
137 | Random subspace for binary codes learning in large scale image retrieval | Cong Leng, Jian Cheng, Hanqing Lu | In this work, we introduce a random subspace strategy to address this limitation. |
138 | Incorporating query-specific feedback into learning-to-rank models | Ethem F. Can, W. Bruce Croft, R. Manmatha | In this work, we expand this common way by focusing on an approach that enables us to do query-specific modification of a retrieval model for learning-to-rank problems. |
139 | Large-scale author verification: temporal and topical influences | Michiel van Dam, Claudia Hauff | In this work, we present a methodology to derive a large-scale author verification corpus based on Wikipedia Talkpages. We create a corpus based on English Wikipedia which is significantly larger than existing corpora. |
140 | Evaluating mobile web search performance by taking good abandonment into account | Olga Arkhipova, Lidia Grauer | This article provides an offline metric for quality evaluation of mobile Web search, which takes good abandonment rate into consideration. |
141 | Assessing the reliability and reusability of an E-discovery privilege test collection | Jyothi K. Vinjumur, Douglas W. Oard, Jiaul H. Paik | This paper examines the reliability and reusability of that collection. |
142 | Modeling evolution of a social network using temporalgraph kernels | Akash Anil, Niladri Sett, Sanasam Ranbir Singh | In this paper, we propose temporal spectral graph kernels of four popular graph kernels namely path counting, triangle closing, exponential and neumann. |
143 | On user interactions with query auto-completion | Bhaskar Mitra, Milad Shokouhi, Filip Radlinski, Katja Hofmann | In this paper, we present the first large-scale study of user interactions with auto-completion based on query logs of Bing, a commercial search engine. |
144 | Re-ranking approach to classification in large-scale power-law distributed category systems | Rohit Babbar, Ioannis Partalas, Eric Gaussier, Massih-reza Amini | In this work, we exploit the distribution of documents among categories to (i) derive an upper bound on the accuracy of any classifier, and (ii) propose a ranking-based algorithm which aims to maximize this upper bound. |
145 | Enhancing personalization via search activity attribution | Adish Singla, Ryen W. White, Ahmed Hassan, Eric Horvitz | We propose enhancing Web search personalization with methods that can disambiguate among different users of a machine, thus connecting the current query with the appropriate search history. |
146 | A syntax-aware re-ranker for microblog retrieval | Aliaksei Severyn, Alessandro Moschitti, Manos Tsagkias, Richard Berendsen, Maarten de Rijke | We tackle the problem of improving microblog retrieval algorithms by proposing a robust structural representation of (query, tweet) pairs. |
147 | Weighted aspect-based collaborative filtering | YanPing Nie, Yang Liu, Xiaohui Yu | In this paper, we propose a method that uses tensor factorization to automatically infer the weights of different aspects in forming the overall rating. |
148 | Evaluating intuitiveness of vertical-aware click models | Aleksandr Chuklin, Ke Zhou, Anne Schuth, Floor Sietsma, Maarten de Rijke | We propose a method for evaluating the intuitiveness of vertical-aware click models, namely the ability of a click model to capture key aspects of aggregated result pages, such as vertical selection, item selection, result presentation and vertical diversity. |
149 | Recipient recommendation in enterprises using communication graphs and email content | David Graus, David van Dijk, Manos Tsagkias, Wouter Weerkamp, Maarten de Rijke | We propose an intuitive and elegant way of modeling the task of recipient recommendation, which uses both the communication graph (i.e., who are most closely connected to the sender) and the content of the email. |
150 | Analyzing the content emphasis of web search engines | Mohammed A. Alam, Doug Downey | We present PAWS, a platform for analyzing differences among Web search engines. |
151 | Effects of task and domain on searcher attention | Dmitry Lagun, Eugene Agichtein | In this paper we present, to best of our knowledge, the first cross-domain comparison of search examination behavior and patterns of aggregated attention across Web Search, News, Shopping and Social Network domains. |
152 | Learning sufficient queries for entity filtering | Miles Efron, Craig Willis, Garrick Sherman | In this paper, we present a simple yet effective approach based on learning high-quality Boolean queries that can be applied deterministically during filtering. |
153 | PatentLine: analyzing technology evolution on multi-view patent graphs | Longhui Zhang, Lei Li, Tao Li, Qi Zhang | In this paper, we propose a unified framework, named PatentLine, to generate a technology evolution tree for a given topic or a classification code related to granted patents. |
154 | Query performance prediction for entity retrieval | Hadas Raviv, Oren Kurland, David Carmel | We address the query-performance-prediction task for entity retrieval; that is, retrieval effectiveness is estimated with no relevance judgements. |
155 | Second order probabilistic models for within-document novelty detection in academic articles | Laurence A.F. Park, Simeon Simoff | In this article, we propose the concept of Within Document Novelty Location, a method of identifying locations of novelty and non-novelty within a given document. |
156 | Modeling the dynamics of personal expertise | Yi Fang, Archana Godavarthy | In this paper, we propose a probabilistic model to characterize how people change or stick with their expertise. |
157 | An annotation similarity model in passage ranking for historical fact validation | Jun Araki, Jamie Callan | We propose a combination of a traditional bag-of-words similarity model and an annotation similarity model to improve passage ranking. |
158 | To hint or not: exploring the effectiveness of search hints for complex informational tasks | Denis Savenkov, Eugene Agichtein | This work describes the results of a controlled user study comparing the effects of provid- ing specific vs. generic search hints on search success and satisfaction. |
159 | The effect of sampling strategy on inferred measures | Ellen M. Voorhees | This paper addresses this gap by examining the effect on collection quality of different sampling strategies within the inferred measures framework. |
160 | Cache-conscious runtime optimization for ranking ensembles | Xun Tang, Xin Jin, Tao Yang | We propose a 2D blocking scheme for better cache utilization with simpler code structure compared to previous work. |
161 | Bridging temporal context gaps using time-aware re-contextualization | Andrea Ceroni, Nam Khanh Tran, Nattiya Kanhabua, Claudia Niederée | In this paper, we study time-aware re-contextualization, the challenging problem of retrieving concise and complementing information in order to bridge this temporal context gap. |
162 | An enhanced context-sensitive proximity model for probabilistic information retrieval | Jiashu Zhao, Jimmy Xiangji Huang | We propose to enhance proximity-based probabilistic retrieval models with more contextual information. |
163 | On the information difference between standard retrieval models | Peter B. Golbus, Javed A. Aslam | Recent work introduced a probabilistic framework that measures search engine performance information-theoretically. |
164 | A POMDP model for content-free document re-ranking | Sicong Zhang, Jiyun Luo, Hui Yang | In this paper, we propose to model log-based document re-ranking as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP). |
165 | Using score differences for search result diversification | Sadegh Kharazmi, Mark Sanderson, Falk Scholer, David Vallet | We introduce a novel post-retrieval approach, which is independent of external information or even the full-text content of retrieved documents; only the retrieval score of a document is used. |
166 | TREC: topic engineering exercise | J Shane Culpepper, Stefano Mizzaro, Mark Sanderson, Falk Scholer | In this work, we investigate approaches to engineer better topic sets in information retrieval test collections. |
167 | How k-12 students search for learning?: analysis of an educational search engine log | Arif Usta, Ismail Sengor Altingovde, İbrahim Bahattin Vidinli, Rifat Ozcan, Özgür Ulusoy | In this study, we analyze an educational search engine log for shedding light on K-12 students’ search behavior in a learning environment. |
168 | The correlation between cluster hypothesis tests and the effectiveness of cluster-based retrieval | Fiana Raiber, Oren Kurland | We present a study of the correlation between the extent to which the cluster hypothesis holds, as measured by various tests, and the relative effectiveness of cluster-based retrieval with respect to document-based retrieval. |
169 | The effect of expanding relevance judgements with duplicates | Gaurav Baruah, Adam Roegiest, Mark D. Smucker | We examine the effects of expanding a judged set of sentences with their duplicates from a corpus. |
170 | On correlation of absence time and search effectiveness | Sunandan Chakraborty, Filip Radlinski, Milad Shokouhi, Paul Baecke | In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of absence time in evaluating new features in a web search engine, such as new ranking algorithm or a new user interface. |
171 | Necessary and frequent terms in queries | Jiepu Jiang, James Allan | Specifically, we study two distinct types of terms that exist in all search queries: (1) necessary terms, for which term occurrence alone is indicative of document relevance; and (2) frequent terms, for which the relative term frequency is indicative of document relevance within the set of documents where the term appears. |
172 | Extracting topics based on authors, recipients and content in microblogs | Nazneen Fatema N. Rajani, Kate McArdle, Jason Baldridge | In this paper, we demonstrate the application of the Author-Topic and the Author-Recipient-Topic model to microblogs. |
173 | Exploiting Twitter and Wikipedia for the annotation of event images | Philip James McParlane, Joemon Jose | In this paper, we develop an image annotation model which exploits textual content from related Twitter and Wikipedia data which aims to overcome the discussed problems. |
174 | Learning to translate queries for CLIR | Artem Sokolov, Felix Hieber, Stefan Riezler | In this paper we propose a decomposable proxy for retrieval quality that obviates the need for costly intermediate retrieval. |
175 | Predicting query performance in microblog retrieval | Jesus A. Rodriguez Perez, Joemon M. Jose | In this work we study the performance of the state of the art predictors under microblog retrieval conditions as well as introducing our own predictors. |
176 | An event extraction model based on timeline and user analysis in Latent Dirichlet allocation | Bayar Tsolmon, Kyung-Soon Lee | This paper proposes an event extraction method which combines user reliability and timeline analysis. |
177 | What makes data robust: a data analysis in learning to rank | Shuzi Niu, Yanyan Lan, Jiafeng Guo, Xueqi Cheng, Xiubo Geng | In our work, we investigate what inherent characteristics make training data robust to label noise. |
178 | Learning to bridge colloquial and formal language applied to linking and search of E-Commerce data | Ivan Vulić, Susana Zoghbi, Marie-Francine Moens | We propose a novel probabilistic topic model called multi-idiomatic LDA (MiLDA). |
179 | Uncovering the unarchived web | Thaer Samar, Hugo C. Huurdeman, Anat Ben-David, Jaap Kamps, Arjen de Vries | We present a method to create representations of what we will refer to as a web collection’s (aura): the web documents that were not included in the archived collection, but are known to have existed — due to their mentions on pages that were included in the archived web collection. |
180 | Inferring topic-dependent influence roles of Twitter users | Chengyao Chen, Dehong Gao, Wenjie Li, Yuexian Hou | In this paper, we move a step forward trying to further distinguish influence roles of Twitter users in a certain topic. |
181 | Reputation analysis with a ranked sentiment-lexicon | Filipa Peleja, João Santos, João Magalhães | In this paper we describe an unsupervised method for performing a simultaneous-analysis of the reputation of multiple named-entities. |
182 | On predicting religion labels in microblogging networks | Minh-Thap Nguyen, Ee-Peng Lim | In this paper, we study the problem of predicting users’ religion labels using their microblogging data. |
183 | Efficiently identify local frequent keyword co-occurrence patterns in geo-tagged Twitter stream | Xiaoyang Wang, Ying Zhang, Wenjie Zhang, Xuemin Lin | Particularly, we formally introduce the problem of identifying local frequent keyword co-occurrence patterns over the geo-tagged Twitter streams, namely LFP\xspace query. |
184 | Item group based pairwise preference learning for personalized ranking | Shuang Qiu, Jian Cheng, Ting Yuan, Cong Leng, Hanqing Lu | In this paper, we exploit this prior information of a user’s preference from the nearest neighbor set by the neighbors’ implicit feedbacks, which can split items into different item groups with specific ranking relations. |
185 | Where not to go?: detecting road hazards using twitter | Avinash Kumar, Miao Jiang, Yi Fang | In this paper, we demonstrate an application of Twitter to atomically determining road hazards. |
186 | Enhancing sketch-based sport video retrieval by suggesting relevant motion paths | Ihab Al Kabary, Heiko Schuldt | In this paper, we present an auto-suggest search feature that harnesses spatiotemporal data of team sport videos to suggest potential directions containing relevant data during the formulation of a sketch-based motion query. |
187 | Dynamic location models | Vanessa Murdock | In this work we propose an algorithm for constructing hyperlocal models of places that are as small as half a city block. |
188 | Wikipedia-based query performance prediction | Gilad Katz, Anna Shtock, Oren Kurland, Bracha Shapira, Lior Rokach | We propose a {\em corpus-independent} approach to pre-retrieval prediction which relies on information extracted from Wikipedia. |
189 | A revisit to social network-based recommender systems | Hui Li, Dingming Wu, Nikos Mamoulis | In this paper, we propose two methods to improve the performance of the state-of-art social network-based recommender system (SNRS), which is based on a probabilistic model. |
190 | Relevation!: An open source system for information retrieval relevance assessment | Bevan Koopman, Guido Zuccon | Relevation!: An open source system for information retrieval relevance assessment |
191 | WenZher: comprehensive vertical search for healthcare domain | Liqiang Nie, Tao Li, Mohammad Akbari, Jialie Shen, Tat-Seng Chua | WenZher: comprehensive vertical search for healthcare domain |
192 | STICS: searching with strings, things, and cats | Johannes Hoffart, Dragan Milchevski, Gerhard Weikum | This paper describes an advanced search engine that supports users in querying documents by means of keywords, entities, and categories. |
193 | VIRLab: a web-based virtual lab for learning and studying information retrieval models | Hui Fang, Hao Wu, Peilin Yang, ChengXiang Zhai | In this paper, we describe VIRLab, a novel web-based virtual laboratory for Information Retrieval (IR). |
194 | ServiceXplorer: a similarity-based web service search engine | Anne H.H. Ngu, Jiangang Ma, Quan Z. Sheng, Lina Yao, Scott Julian | We demonstrate in this paper that by utilizing well known indexing scheme such as inverted file and R-tree indexes over Web services attributes, the Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) algorithm can be used efficiently to find partial matches between a query and a database of Web services. |
195 | Real-time visualization and targeting of online visitors | Deepak Pai, Sandeep Zechariah George | We show that dynamic visitor attributes extracted from their click-stream provide much better predictive capabilities of visitor intent. |
196 | CharBoxes: a system for automatic discovery of character infoboxes from books | Manish Gupta, Piyush Bansal, Vasudeva Varma | As part of this demo, we design mechanisms to address these challenges and experiment with publicly available books. |
197 | ADAM: a system for jointly providing ir and database queries in large-scale multimedia retrieval | Ivan Giangreco, Ihab Al Kabary, Heiko Schuldt | In this paper, we introduce ADAM, a system that is able to store and retrieve multimedia objects by seamlessly combining aspects from databases and information retrieval. |
198 | NicePic!: a system for extracting attractive photos from flickr streams | Sergej Zerr, Stefan Siersdorfer, Jose San Pedro, Jonathon Hare, Xiaofei Zhu | In this demonstration we show a novel application which automatically classifies images in a live photo stream according to their attractiveness for the community, based on a number of visual and textual features. |
199 | A perspective-aware approach to search: visualizing perspectives in news search results | Muhammad Atif Qureshi, Colm O’Riordan, Gabriella Pasi | This demonstration paper presents a system that allows users to specify at query time a perspective together with their query. |
200 | FitYou: integrating health profiles to real-time contextual suggestion | Christopher Wing, Hui Yang | We introduce the mobile application FitYou, which dynamically generates recommendations according to the user’s current location and health condition as a real-time LBS. |
201 | Semantic full-text search with broccoli | Hannah Bast, Florian Bäurle, Björn Buchhold, Elmar Haußmann | We combine search in triple stores with full-text search into what we call \emph{semantic full-text search}. |
202 | Just-for-me: an adaptive personalization system for location-aware social music recommendation | Zhiyong Cheng, Jialie Shen, Tao Mei | In this demonstration, we present an intelligent system, called Just-for-Me, to facilitate accurate music recommendation based on where user presents. |
203 | A novel system for the semi automatic annotation of event images | Philip James McParlane, Joemon Jose | Specifically, we present a novel tag recommendation system for images taken at a popular music festival which allows the user to select relevant tags from related Tweets and Wikipedia content, thus reducing the workload involved in the annotation process. |
204 | An interactive interface for visualizing events on Twitter | Andrew J. McMinn, Daniel Tsvetkov, Tsvetan Yordanov, Andrew Patterson, Rrobi Szk, Jesus A. Rodriguez Perez, Joemon M. Jose | We have developed an interactive interface for visualizing events, backed by a state-of-the-art event detection approach, which is able to detect, track and summarize events in real-time. |
205 | ExperTime: tracking expertise over time | Jan Rybak, Krisztian Balog, Kjetil Nørvåg | This paper presents ExperTime, a web-based system for tracking expertise over time. |
206 | Cluster links prediction for literature based discovery using latent structure and semantic features | Yakub Sebastian | We introduce a novel algorithm, Latent Domain Similarity (LDS), which uses combinations of semantic features (e.g. distribution of technical terms in titles and abstracts) and structural features (e.g. cited references, citing articles) of two or more articles in order to infer shared latent domains between them. |
207 | Graph-based large scale RDF data compression | Wei Emma Zhang | We propose a two-stage lossless compression approach on large scale RDF data. |
208 | Entity-based retrieval | Hadas Raviv | We address the core challenge of the entity retrieval task: ranking entities in response to a query by their presumed relevance to the information need that the query represents. |
209 | Improving offline and online web search evaluation by modelling the user behaviour | Eugene Kharitonov | Improving offline and online web search evaluation by modelling the user behaviour |
210 | Modelling of terms across scripts through autoencoders | Parth Gupta | Very recently we have formally defined the problem of MSIR and presented the quantitative study on it through Bing query log analysis. |
211 | A tag-based personalized item recommendation system using tensor modeling and topic model approaches | Noor Ifada | This research proposes to address these two challenges for building a tag-based item recommendation system by employing tensor modeling as the multi-dimensional user profile approach, and the topic model as the semantic analysis approach. |
212 | Novelty and diversity enhancement and evaluation in recommender systems and information retrieval | Saúl Vargas | In this doctoral research we study the assessment and enhancement of both properties in the confluence of Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems. |
213 | Enrichment of user profiles across multiple online social networks for volunteerism matching for social enterprise | Xuemeng Song | In this work, we aim to bridge the gap between the supply of talents with volunteering tendency and the demands of social enterprise and enhance the social welfare. |
214 | Choices and constraints: research goals and approaches in information retrieval (part 1) | Diane Kelly, Filip Radlinski, Jaime Teevan | Participants will come away with a broad perspective of research goals and approaches in IR, and an understanding of the benefits and limitations of these research approaches. |
215 | Choices and constraints: research goals and approaches in information retrieval (part 2) | Diane Kelly, Filip Radlinski, Jaime Teevan | Participants will come away with a broad perspective of research goals and approaches in IR, and an understanding of the benefits and limitations of these research approaches. |
216 | Scalability and efficiency challenges in large-scale web search engines | B. Barla Cambazoglu, Ricardo Baeza-Yates | The main objective of this tutorial is to provide an overview of the fundamental scalability and efficiency challenges in commercial web search engines, bridging the existing gap between the industry and academia. |
217 | Statistical significance testing in information retrieval: theory and practice | Ben Carterette | Statistical significance testing in information retrieval: theory and practice |
218 | Speech search: techniques and tools for spoken content retrieval | Gareth J.F. Jones | Speech search: techniques and tools for spoken content retrieval |
219 | Axiomatic analysis and optimization of information retrieval models | Hui Fang, ChengXiang Zhai | Axiomatic approach provides a systematic way to think about heuristics, identify the weakness of existing methods, and optimize the existing methods accordingly. |
220 | A general account of effectiveness metrics for information tasks: retrieval, filtering, and clustering | Enrique Amigó, Julio Gonzalo, Stefano Mizzaro | In this tutorial we will present, review, and compare the most popular evaluation metrics for some of the most salient information related tasks, covering: (i) Information Retrieval, (ii) Clustering, and (iii) Filtering. |
221 | Dynamic information retrieval modeling | Hui Yang, Marc Sloan, Jun Wang | The objective of this tutorial is to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to Dynamic Information Retrieval Modeling, the statistical modeling of IR systems that can adapt to change. |
222 | The retrievability of documents | Leif Azzopardi | In this tutorial, we shall explain the concept of retrievability along with a number of retrievability measures, how it can be estimated and how it can be used for analysis. |
223 | ERD’14: entity recognition and disambiguation challenge | David Carmel, Ming-Wei Chang, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Bo-June (Paul) Hsu, Kuansan Wang | ERD’14: entity recognition and disambiguation challenge |
224 | SIGIR 2014 workshop on gathering efficient assessments of relevance (GEAR) | Martin Halvey, Robert Villa, Paul Clough | This workshop revisits how relevance assessments can be efficiently created, seeking to provide a forum for discussion and exploration of the topic. |
225 | MedIR14: medical information retrieval workshop | Lorraine Goeuriot, Gareth J.F. Jones, Liadh Kelly, Henning Müller, Justin Zobel | The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers interested in medical information search with the goal of identifying specific challenges that need to be addressed to advance the state-of-the-art. |
226 | Privacy-preserving IR: when information retrieval meets privacy and security | Luo Si, Hui Yang | This privacy-preserving IR workshop aims to spur research that brings together the research fields of IR and privacy/security, and research that mitigates privacy threats in information retrieval by constructing novel algorithms and tools that enable web users to better understand associated privacy risks. |
227 | SIGIR 2014 workshop on semantic matching in information retrieval | Julio Gonzalo, Hang Li, Alessandro Moschitti, Jun Xu | This simple approach works rather well in practice, partly because there are many other signals in web search (hypertext, user logs, etc.) that complement it. |
228 | SoMeRA 2014: social media retrieval and analysis workshop | Markus Schedl, Peter Knees, Jialie Shen | SoMeRA 2014: social media retrieval and analysis workshop |
229 | SIGIR 2014 workshop on temporal, social and spatially-aware information access (#TAIA2014) | Fernando Diaz, Claudia Hauff, Vanessa Murdock, Maarten de Rijke, Milad Shokouhi | SIGIR 2014 workshop on temporal, social and spatially-aware information access (#TAIA2014) |