Paper Digest: INFOCOM 2020 Highlights
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IEEE INFOCOM is a top ranked conference on networking in the research community. In 2020, it is to be held virtually due to covid-19 pandemic.
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Paper Digest Team
TABLE 1: Paper Digest: INFOCOM 2020 Highlights
Title | Authors | Highlight | |
1 | Towards Latency Optimization in Hybrid Service Function Chain Composition and Embedding | D. Zheng, C. Peng, X. Liao, L. Tian, G. Luo and X. Cao | In this paper, we, for the first time, comprehensively study how to optimize the latency in Hybrid SFC composition and Embedding (HSFCE). |
2 | DeepWiERL: Bringing Deep Reinforcement Learning to the Internet of Self-Adaptive Things | F. Restuccia and T. Melodia | This paper bridges the existing gap between the extensive theoretical research on wireless DRL and its system-level applications by presenting Deep Wireless Embedded Reinforcement Learning (DeepWiERL), a general-purpose, hybrid software/hardware DRL framework specifically tailored for embedded IoT wireless devices. |
3 | Analysis, Modeling, and Implementation of Publisher-side Ad Request Filtering | L. Lv et al. | Particularly, we propose a publisher-side proactive ad request filtration solution Win2. |
4 | Revealing Much While Saying Less: Predictive Wireless for Status Update | Z. Jiang et al. | In this paper, a status-aware predictive wireless interface design, networking and implementation are presented which aim to minimize the status recovery error of a wireless networked system by leveraging online status model predictions. |
5 | OKpi: All-KPI Network Slicing Through Efficient Resource Allocation | J. Mart?n-Per?z, F. Malandrino, C. F. Chiasserini and C. J. Bernardos | We fill this gap by presenting a novel methodology and resource allocation scheme, named OKpi, which enables high-quality selection of radio points of access as well as VNF (Virtual Network Function) placement and data routing, with polynomial computational complexity. |
6 | Reliable Backscatter with Commodity BLE | M. Zhang, J. Zhao, S. Chen and W. Gong | To address these problems, we propose RBLE, a reliable BLE backscatter system that works with a single commodity receiver. |
7 | Energy-Efficient UAV Crowdsensing with Multiple Charging Stations by Deep Learning | C. H. Liu, C. Piao and J. Tang | In this paper, we aim to propose a new deep learning based framework to tackle the problem that a group of UAVs energy-efficiently and cooperatively collect data from low-level sensors, while charging the battery from multiple randomly deployed charging stations. |
8 | Dynamic Speed Warping: Similarity-Based One-shot Learning for Device-free Gesture Signals | X. Wang, K. Sun, T. Zhao, W. Wang and Q. Gu | In this paper, we propose a Dynamic Speed Warping (DSW) algorithm to enable one-shot learning for device-free gesture signals performed by different users. |
9 | Neural Tensor Completion for Accurate Network Monitoring | K. Xie et al. | In this paper, we propose a novel Neural Tensor Completion (NTC) scheme to effectively model three-order interaction among data features with the outer product and build a 3D interaction map. |
10 | CoLoRa: Enabling Multi-Packet Reception in LoRa | S. Tong, Z. Xu and J. Wang | We propose CoLoRa, a protocol to decompose large numbers of concurrent transmissions from one collision in LoRa networks. |
11 | Preemptive All-reduce Scheduling for Expediting Distributed DNN Training | Y. Bao, Y. Peng, Y. Chen and C. Wu | We propose PACE, a communication scheduler that preemptively schedules (potentially fused) all-reduce tensors based on the DAG of DNN training, guaranteeing maximal overlapping of communication with computation and high bandwidth utilization. |
12 | A Randomly Accessible Lossless Compression Scheme for Time-Series Data | R. Vestergaard, D. E. Lucani and Q. Zhang | We detail a practical compression scheme for lossless compression of time-series data, based on the emerging concept of generalized deduplication. |
13 | A Lightweight Auction Framework for Spectrum Allocation with Strong Security Guarantees | K. Cheng, L. Wang, Y. Shen, Y. Liu, Y. Wang and L. Zheng | To address this problem, we propose SLISA, a lightweight auction framework which enables an efficient spectrum allocation without revealing anything but the auction outcome, i.e., the winning bidders and their clearing prices. |
14 | Travel with Your Mobile Data Plan: A Location-Flexible Data Service | Z. Wang, L. Gao and J. Huang | We analyze its off-line problem (which is NP-hard) and design an on-line strategy with provable performance. |
15 | Predictive Scheduling for Virtual Reality | I. Hou, N. Z. Naghsh, S. Paul, Y. C. Hu and A. Eryilmaz | This paper proposes to address this challenge by leveraging the predictability of user movements in the virtual world. |
16 | Optimizing Federated Learning on Non-IID Data with Reinforcement Learning | H. Wang, Z. Kaplan, D. Niu and B. Li | In this paper, we propose Favor, an experience-driven control framework that intelligently chooses the client devices to participate in each round of federated learning to counterbalance the bias introduced by non-IID data and to speed up convergence. |
17 | Towards Pattern-aware Privacy-preserving Real-time Data Collection | Z. Wang, W. Liu, X. Pang, J. Ren, Z. Liu and Y. Chen | In this paper, we focus on real-time data collection under a honest-but-curious server, and propose a novel pattern-aware privacy-preserving approach, called PatternLDP, to protect data privacy while the pattern of time-series can still be preserved. |
18 | SoSA: Socializing Static APs for Edge Resource Pooling in Large-Scale WiFi System | F. Lyu, J. Ren, P. Yang, N. Cheng, Y. Zhang and X. S. Shen | In this paper, we propose a novel architecture, named SoSA, to Socialize Static APs via user association transition activities for edge resource pooling. |
19 | Incremental Server Deployment for Scalable NFV-enabled Networks | J. Liu, H. Xu, G. Zhao, C. Qian, X. Fan and L. Huang | To address this challenge, we propose an incremental server deployment (INSD) problem for construction of scalable NFV-enabled networks. |
20 | Efficient Coflow Transmission for Distributed Stream Processing | W. Li et al. | To this end, we propose a new performance metric?coflow age (CA), for coflows generated by distributed streaming applications. |
21 | Maximizing Charging Utility with Obstacles through Fresnel Diffraction Model | C. Lin, F. Gao, H. Dai, J. Ren, L. Wang and G. Wu | In this paper, we concentrate on the problem of charging a practical WRSN in the presence of obstacles to maximize the charging utility under specific energy constraints. |
22 | SCYLLA: QoE-aware Continuous Mobile Vision with FPGA-based Dynamic Deep Neural Network Reconfiguration | S. Jiang et al. | In this paper, we present SCYLLA, an FPGA-based framework that enables QoE-aware continuous mobile vision with dynamic reconfiguration to effectively address this challenge. |
23 | MultiLive: Adaptive Bitrate Control for Low-delay Multi-party Interactive Live Streaming | Z. Wang, Y. Cui, X. Hu, X. Wang, W. T. Ooi and Y. Li | To address these challenges, we first develop a quality of experience (QoE) model for multi-party live streaming applications. Based on this model, we design MultiLive, an adaptive bitrate control algorithm for the multi-party scenario. |
24 | Computation Scheduling for Wireless Powered Mobile Edge Computing Networks | T. Zhu, J. Li, Z. Cai, Y. Li and H. Gao | In this paper, we study the Computation Completion Ratio Maximization Scheduling problem for WP-MEC networks with multiple edge devices, which is proved to be NP-hard. |
25 | Systematic Topology Design for Large-Scale Networks: A Unified Framework | Y. Chang, X. Huang, L. Deng, Z. Shao and J. Zhang | In this paper, we advocate a novel unified framework to describe, generate, and analyze topology design in a systematic fashion. |
26 | Coeus: Consistent and Continuous Network Update in Software-Defined Networks | X. He et al. | In this paper, we propose Coeus, a continuous network update system while maintaining blackhole-, loop- and congestion-free simultaneously. |
27 | Search Me in the Dark: Privacy-preserving Boolean Range Query over Encrypted Spatial Data | X. Wang et al. | In this paper, we study the challenging problem of Privacy-preserving Boolean Range Query (PBRQ) over encrypted spatial databases. |
28 | Edge Assisted Mobile Semantic Visual SLAM | J. Xu et al. | In this paper we present the design, implementation, and evaluation of edgeSLAM, an edge assisted real-time semantic visual SLAM service running on mobile devices. |
29 | Geryon: Accelerating Distributed CNN Training by Network-Level Flow Scheduling | S. Wang, D. Li and J. Geng | In this paper, we present Geryon, a network-level flow scheduling scheme to accelerate distributed Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) training. |
30 | Inferring Firewall Rules by Cache Side-channel Analysis in Network Function Virtualization | Y. Shin, D. Koo and J. Hur | In this study, we investigate the security impact of these attacks on virtualized network functions. |
31 | An Effective Multi-node Charging Scheme for Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks | T. Liu, B. Wu, S. Zhang, J. Peng and W. Xu | In this paper, we aim to jointly optimize the number of dead sensors and the energy usage effectiveness in such multi-node charging scenarios. |
32 | Exposing the Fingerprint: Dissecting the Impact of the Wireless Channel on Radio Fingerprinting | A. Al-Shawabka et al. | The key contribution of this paper is to bridge this gap by (i) collecting and sharing with the community more than 7TB of wireless data obtained from 20 wireless devices with identical RF circuitry (and thus, worst-case scenario for fingerprinting) over the course of several days in (a) an anechoic chamber, (b) in-the-wild testbed, and (c) with cable connections; and (ii) providing a first-of-its-kind evaluation of the impact of the wireless channel on CNN-based fingerprinting algorithms through (a) the 7TB experimental dataset and (b) a 400GB dataset provided by DARPA containing hundreds of thousands of transmissions from thousands of WiFi and ADS-B devices with different SNR conditions. |
33 | SpiderMon: Towards Using Cell Towers as Illuminating Sources for Keystroke Monitoring | K. Ling, Y. Liu, K. Sun, W. Wang, L. Xie and Q. Gu | To demonstrate this, we develop SpiderMon, the first attempt to perform passive continuous keystroke monitoring using the signal transmitted by commercial cellular base stations. |
34 | Stick: A Harmonious Fusion of Buffer-based and Learning-based Approach for Adaptive Streaming | T. Huang, C. Zhou, R. Zhang, C. Wu, X. Yao and L. Sun | In this paper, we propose Stick, an ABR algorithm that fuses the deep learning method and traditional buffer-based method. |
35 | A Universal Method to Combat Multipaths for RFID Sensing | G. Wang et al. | We implement CPIX and study two major RFID sensing applications: tag localization and human behavior sensing. |
36 | Minimizing Age of Information in Multi-channel Time-sensitive Information Update Systems | Z. Qian, F. Wu, J. Pan, K. Srinivasan and N. B. Shroff | In this work, we are motivated by the plethora of multi-channel systems that are being developed, and investigate the following question: how can one exploit multi-channel resources to improve the age performance? |
37 | Online Concurrent Transmissions at LoRa Gateway | Z. Wang, L. Kong, K. Xu, L. He, K. Wu and G. Chen | To mitigate the inter-network interference, we propose a novel solution achieving the online concurrent transmissions at LoRa gateway, called OCT, which recovers collided packets at the gateway and thus improves LoRaWAN’s throughput. |
38 | A Deep Analysis on General Approximate Counters | T. Yun and B. Liu | This paper conducts a deep analysis on general Morris counters and derives the minimum upper bound of the variance. |
39 | Guardian: Evaluating Trust in Online Social Networks with Graph Convolutional Networks | W. Lin, Z. Gao and B. Li | In this paper, we propose Guardian, a new end-to-end framework that learns latent factors in social trust with GCNs. |
40 | DyLoRa: Towards Energy Efficient Dynamic LoRa Transmission Control | Y. Li, J. Yang and J. Wang | We propose DyLoRa, a dynamic LoRa transmission control system to improve energy efficiency. |
41 | Towards Anti-interference WiFi-based Activity Recognition System Using Interference-Independent Phase Component | J. Huang et al. | To address this challenge, we propose PhaseAnti, a novel HAR system to exploit the CCI- independent phase component, NLPEV (Nonlinear Phase Error Variation), of Channel State Information (CSI) to cope with the impact of CCI. |
42 | HotDedup: Managing Hot Data Storage at Network Edge through Optimal Distributed Deduplication | S. Li and T. Lan | In this paper, we solve a joint optimization problem by exploiting both data popularity (for optimal data access performance) and data similarity (for optimal storage space efficiency). |
43 | PERM: Neural Adaptive Video Streaming with Multi-path Transmission | Y. Guan, Y. Zhang, B. Wang, K. Bian, X. Xiong and L. Song | In this paper, we propose an actor-critic network based on Periodical Experience Replay for Multi-path video streaming (PERM). |
44 | Link Quality Estimation of Cross-Technology Communication | J. Zhang, X. Guo, H. Jiang, X. Zheng and Y. He | We in this paper propose a new link metric called C-LQI and a joint link model that simultaneously takes into account the emulation error and the channel distortion in the process of CTC. |
45 | Unsupervised and Network-Aware Diagnostics for Latent Issues in Network Information Databases | H. Shao, L. Chen and Y. Zhao | In this work, we first reveal latent data issues in NIDs using real traces from a large cloud provider, Tencent. Then we design and implement a diagnostic system, NAuditor, for unsupervised identification of latent issues in NIDs. |
46 | Selection of Sensors for Efficient Transmitter Localization | A. Bhattacharya, C. Zhan, H. Gupta, S. R. Das and P. M. Djuric | We address the problem of localizing an (illegal) transmitter using a distributed set of sensors. |
47 | Approximation Algorithms for the Team Orienteering Problem | W. Xu et al. | In this paper we study a team orienteering problem, which is to find service paths for multiple vehicles in a network such that the profit sum of serving the nodes in the paths is maximized, subject to the cost budget of each vehicle. |
48 | Enabling Live Migration of Containerized Applications Across Clouds | T. Benjaponpitak, M. Karakate and K. Sripanidkulchai | As containerized applications are gaining popularity, we focus on the design and implementation of live migration of containers across cloud providers. |
49 | ReLoca: Optimize Resource Allocation for Data-parallel Jobs using Deep Learning | Z. Hu, D. Li, D. Zhang and Y. Chen | In this paper, we propose ReLoca towards the optimal allocation of computation resource with the objective of minimizing the job completion time. |
50 | Harmony: Saving Concurrent Transmissions from Harsh RF Interference | X. Ma et al. | In this paper, we present Harmony, a new data collection protocol that exploits the benefits of concurrent transmissions and embeds techniques to ensure a reliable and timely packet delivery despite highly congested channels. |
51 | When FTM Discovered MUSIC: Accurate WiFi-based Ranging in the Presence of Multipath | K. Jiokeng, G. Jakllari, A. Tchana and A. Beylot | We present FUSIC, the first approach that extends FTM’s LOS accuracy to NLOS settings, without requiring any changes to the standard. |
52 | Machine Learning-based Spoofing Attack Detection in MmWave 60GHz IEEE 802.11ad Networks | N. Wang, L. Jiao, P. Wang, W. Li and K. Zeng | In this paper, we propose a unique physical layer feature in IEEE 802.11ad networks, i.e., the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) trace obtained at the receiver in the sector level sweep (SLS) process, to achieve efficient PL-SAD. |
53 | COSE: Configuring Serverless Functions using Statistical Learning | N. Akhtar, A. Raza, V. Ishakian and I. Matta | In this paper, we present COSE, a framework that uses Bayesian Optimization to find the optimal configuration for serverless functions. |
54 | Online Spread Estimation with Non-duplicate Sampling | Y. Sun, H. Huang, C. Ma, S. Chen, Y. Du and Q. Xiao | We propose a two-stage solution with on-chip/off-chip data structures and algorithms, which are not only efficient but also highly configurable for a variety of probabilistic performance guarantees. |
55 | BLESS: A BLE Application Security Scanning Framework | Y. Zhang, J. Weng, Z. Ling, B. Pearson and X. Fu | In this paper, we design and implement a BLE Security Scan (BLESS) framework to identify those BLE apps that do not implement encryption or authentication at the application layer. |
56 | Universally Stable Cache Networks | Y. Li and S. Ioannidis | Cache networks comprising such queues are hard to analyze; we propose two approximations: one via M/M/8 queues, and one based on M/M/1c queues under the assumption of Poisson arrivals. |
57 | Stealthy DGoS Attack: DeGrading of Service under the Watch of Network Tomography | C. Chiu and T. He | To understand the fundamental limit of network tomography in such a setting, we formulate and analyze a novel type of attack that aims at maximally degrading the performance of targeted paths without being localized by network tomography. |
58 | SDN-based Order-aware Live Migration of Virtual Machines | D. Fernando, P. Yang and H. Lu | In this paper, we propose SOLive, a new approach to reduce resource contention between the migration process and the VMs being migrated. |
59 | Multicast Traffic Engineering with Segment Trees in Software-Defined Networks | C. Wang, S. Chiang, S. Shen, D. Yang and W. Chen | In this paper, we explore Multi-tree Multicast Segment Routing (MMSR) to jointly minimize the bandwidth consumption and forwarding rule updates over time by leveraging segment trees. |
60 | MagView: A Distributed Magnetic Covert Channel via Video Encoding and Decoding | J. Zhang, X. Ji, W. Xu, Y. Chen, Y. Tang and G. Qu | In this paper, we propose MagView, a distributed magnetic cover channel, where sensitive information is embedded in other data such as video and can be transmitted over the air-gapped internal network. |
61 | Joint Power Routing and Current Scheduling in Multi-Relay Magnetic MIMO WPT System | H. Zhou, W. Hua, J. Deng, X. Cui, X. Li and P. Yang | In this work we propose, design, and implement a multi-relay MIMO MRC-WPT system, and design an almost optimum joint optimization of power routing and current scheduling method, without relying on any feedback from RX. |
62 | RF Backscatter-based State Estimation for Micro Aerial Vehicles | S. Zhang, W. Wang, N. Zhang and T. Jiang | This paper takes the first step to overcome this hurdle by proposing Marvel, a lightweight RF backscatter-based state estimation system for MAVs in indoors. Marvel is nonintrusive to commercial MAVs by attaching backscatter tags to their landing gears without internal hardware modifications, and works in a plug-and-play fashion that does not require any infrastructure deployment, pre-trained signatures, or even without knowing the controller’s location. |
63 | SeVI: Boosting Secure Voice Interactions with Smart Devices | X. Wang, H. Zhu, S. Chang and X. Wang | In this paper, we propose a novel scheme, called SeVI, to protect voice interaction from being deliberately or unintentionally eavesdropped. |
64 | RUEGAN: Embracing a Self-Adversarial Agent for Building a Defensible Edge Security Architecture | J. Yoon and H. Lee | We propose PUFGAN, an innovative machine learning attack-proof security architecture, by embedding a self-adversarial agent within a device fingerprint- based security primitive, public PUF (PPUF) known for its strong fingerprint-driven cryptography. |
65 | Scheduling DDoS Cloud Scrubbing in ISP Networks via Randomized Online Auctions | W. You, L. Jiao, J. Li and R. Zhou | To explore this potential, we design an online auction mechanism, featured by the challenge of the switching cost of using different winning bids over time. |
66 | KV-Fresh: Freshness Authentication for Outsourced Multi-Version Key-Value Stores | Y. Hu, R. Zhang and Y. Zhang | To fill this gap, this paper introduces KV-Fresh, a novel freshness authentication scheme for outsourced key-value stores that offers strong real-time guarantee. |
67 | Towards Personalized Privacy-Preserving Incentive for Truth Discovery in Crowdsourced Binary-Choice Question Answering | P. Sun et al. | In this paper, we propose a contract-based personalized privacy-preserving incentive mechanism for truth discovery in crowdsourced question answering systems, named PINTION, which provides personalized payments for workers with different privacy demands as a compensation for privacy cost, while ensuring accurate truth discovery. |
68 | Intelligent Video Caching at Network Edge: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach | F. Wang, F. Wang, J. Liu, R. Shea and L. Sun | In this paper, we propose MacoCache, an intelligent edge caching framework that is carefully designed to afford the massively diversified and distributed caching environment to minimize both content access latency and traffic cost. |
69 | T-cache: Dependency-free Ternary Rule Cache for Policy-based Forwarding | Y. Wan et al. | In this paper, we propose a new approach which can generate dependency-free rules to cache. |
70 | LiteNap: Downclocking LoRa Reception | X. Xia, Y. Zheng and T. Gu | This paper presents LiteNap which improves the energy efficiency of LoRa by enabling LoRa nodes to operate in a downclocked ?light sleep? mode for packet reception. |
71 | Collaborate or Separate? Distributed Service Caching in Mobile Edge Clouds | Z. Xu, L. Zhou, S. Chi-Kin Chau, W. Liang, Q. Xia and P. Zhou | In this paper, we study the problem of service caching in mobile edge network under a mobile service market with multiple network service providers completing for both computation and bandwidth resources of the edge cloud. |
72 | Look Ahead at the First-mile in Livecast with Crowdsourced Highlight Prediction | C. Zhang, J. Liu, Z. Wang and L. Sun | In this paper, we propose a novel framework CastFlag, which analyzes the broadcasters? operations and interactions, predicts the key events (i.e., highlights), and optimizes the transcoding stage in the corresponding live streams, even before the encoding stage. |
73 | Clustering-preserving Network Flow Sketching | Y. Fu, D. Li, S. Shen, Y. Zhang and K. Chen | This paper presents a clustering-preserving sketch method to be resilient to hash collisions. |
74 | Automating Cloud Deployment for Deep Learning Inference of Real-time Online Services | Y. Li, Z. Han, Q. Zhang, Z. Li and H. Tan | In this paper, we attempt to automate the cloud deployment for real-time online DNN inference with minimum costs under the constraint of acceptably low latency. |
75 | Activating Wireless Voice for E-Toll Collection Systems with Zero Start-up Cost | Z. An, Q. Lin, L. Yang and X. Lei | The key innovation in this work is the engineering of Tagcaster over off-the-shelf ETC systems using shadow carrier and baseband whitening without the need for hardware nor firmware changes. |
76 | TagRay: Contactless Sensing and Tracking of Mobile Objects using COTS RFID Devices | Z. Chen, P. Yang, J. Xiong, Y. Feng and X. Li | In this work, we present TagRay, a contactless RFID-based sensing system, which significantly improves the tracking accuracy, enabling mobile object tracking and even material identification. |
77 | Bound-based Network Tomography for Inferring Interesting Link Metrics | H. Li, Y. Gao, W. Dong and C. Chen | We develop an efficient solution to obtain the tightest upper bounds and lower bounds of all interesting links in an arbitrary network with a given set of end-to-end path measurements. |
78 | Lightweight Sybil-Resilient Multi-Robot Networks by Multipath Manipulation | Y. Huang, W. Wang, Y. Wang, T. Jiang and Q. Zhang | To overcome this conundrum, this paper presents ScatterID, a lightweight system that attaches featherlight and batteryless backscatter tags to single-antenna robots to defend against Sybil attacks. |
79 | Reliable Wide-Area Backscatter via Channel Polarization | G. Song, H. Yang, W. Wang and T. Jiang | Specifically, we propose a new polar code scheme that automatically adapts itself to different channel quality, and design a low-cost encoder to accommodate polar codes on resource-constrained backscatter tags. |
80 | ZeroWall: Detecting Zero-Day Web Attacks through Encoder-Decoder Recurrent Neural Networks | R. Tang et al. | This paper proposes ZeroWall, an unsupervised approach, which works with an existing WAF in pipeline, to effectively detecting zero-day Web attacks. |
81 | Network Slicing in Heterogeneous Software-defined RANs | Q. Qin, N. Choi, M. R. Rahman, M. Thottan and L. Tassiulas | In this paper we propose a new architecture for heterogeneous RAN slicing across multiple providers. |
82 | De-anonymization of Social Networks: the Power of Collectiveness | J. Zhang, L. Fu, X. Wang and S. Lu | Our aim is to sufficiently leverage these multi-hop neighbors of all nodes and minimize the total disagreements of these multi-hop adjacency matrices, which we call collective adjacency disagreements (CADs), between two networks of different sizes. |
83 | PAM & PAL: Policy-Aware Virtual Machine Migration and Placement in Dynamic Cloud Data Centers | H. Flores, V. Tran and B. Tang | We focus on policy-aware data centers (PADCs), wherein virtual machine (VM) traffic traverses a sequence of middleboxes (MBs) for security and performance purposes, and propose two new VM placement and migration problems. |
84 | RePiDeM: A Refined POI Demand Modeling based on Multi-Source Data* | R. Yu, D. Ye and J. Li | In this work, we design a refined POI demand modeling framework, named RePiDeM, to identify region POI demands based on multi-source data, including cellular data, POI data, satellite image, geographic data, etc. |
85 | TrueHeart: Continuous Authentication on Wrist-worn Wearables Using PPG-based Biometrics | T. Zhao, Y. Wang, J. Liu, Y. Chen, J. Cheng and J. Yu | We devise a low-cost system exploiting a user?s pulsatile signals from the photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor in commercial wrist-worn wearables for CA. |
86 | Towards Context Address for Camera-to-Human Communication | S. Cao, H. Farrukh and H. Wang | This paper proposes a real-time end-to-end system to solve the problem of digitally associating people in a camera view with their smartphones, without knowing the phones? IP/MAC addresses. |
87 | Multi-Task-Oriented Vehicular Crowdsensing: A Deep Learning Approach | C. H. Liu, Z. Dai, H. Yang and J. Tang | In this paper, we propose a deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based centralized control, distributed execution framework for multi-task-oriented VCS, called “DRL-MTVCS”. |
88 | SketchFlow: Per-Flow Systematic Sampling Using Sketch Saturation Event | R. Jang, D. Min, S. Moon, D. Mohaisen and D. Nyang | Starting with a simple idea that “independent per-flow packet sampling provides the most accurate estimation of each flow”, we introduce a new concept of per-flow systematic sampling, aiming to provide the same sampling rate across all flows. |
89 | Toward Optimal Software-Defined Interdomain Routing | Q. Xiang et al. | In this paper, we provide the first, systematic formulation of the software-defined internetworking (SDI) model, in which a network exposes a programmable interface to allow clients to define the interdomain routes of the network, just as a traditional SDN switch exposes Openflow or another programmable interface to allow clients to define its next hops, extending SDN from intra-domain control to generic interdomain control. |
90 | Scheduling Placement-Sensitive BSP Jobs with Inaccurate Execution Time Estimation | Z. Han, H. Tan, S. H. -. Jiang, X. Fu, W. Cao and F. C. M. Lau | In this work, we derive SPIN, a novel scheduling designed for BSP jobs with placement-sensitive execution to minimize the makespan of all jobs. |
91 | PDL: A Data Layout towards Fast Failure Recovery for Erasure-coded Distributed Storage Systems | L. Xu, M. Lv, Z. Li, C. Li and Y. Xu | In this paper, we propose PDL, a PBD-based Data Layout, to optimize failure recovery performance in DSSes. |
92 | Communication-Efficient Network-Distributed Optimization with Differential-Coded Compressors | X. Zhang, J. Liu, Z. Zhu and E. S. Bentley | To overcome these limitations, in this paper, we propose a new differential-coded compressed DGD (DC-DGD) algorithm. |
93 | Improving Quality of Experience by Adaptive Video Streaming with Super-Resolution | Y. Zhang et al. | In this paper, we present a super-resolution based adaptive video streaming (SRAVS) framework, which applies a Reinforcement Learning (RL) model for integrating the video super-resolution (VSR) technique with the video streaming strategy. |
94 | RepBun: Load-Balanced, Shuffle-Free Cluster Caching for Structured Data | M. Yu, Y. Yu, Y. Zheng, B. Yang and W. Wang | Based on these two access patterns, we propose an effective load-balancing solution for structured data. |
95 | Dynamic User Recruitment with Truthful Pricing for Mobile CrowdSensing | W. Liu, Y. Yang, E. Wang and J. Wu | In this paper, we propose a dynamic user recruitment strategy with truthful pricing to address the online recruitment problem under the budget and time constraints. |
96 | Automatically and Adaptively Identifying Severe Alerts for Online Service Systems | N. Zhao et al. | In this paper, we propose AlertRank, an automatic and adaptive framework for identifying severe alerts. |
97 | Push the Limit of Acoustic Gesture Recognition | Y. Wang, J. Shen and Y. Zheng | In this work, we propose RobuCIR, a robust contact-free gesture recognition system that can work under different usage scenarios with high accuracy and robustness. |
98 | WiHF: Enable User Identified Gesture Recognition with WiFi | C. Li, M. Liu and Z. Cao | We propose WiHF, which first simultaneously enables cross-domain gesture recognition and user identification using WiFi in a real-time manner. |
99 | Streaming 360-Degree Videos Using Super-Resolution | M. Dasari, A. Bhattacharya, S. Vargas, P. Sahu, A. Balasubramanian and S. R. Das | We design PARSEC, a 360? video streaming system that reduces bandwidth requirement while improving video quality. |
100 | Pinpointing Hidden IoT Devices via Spatial-temporal Traffic Fingerprinting | X. Ma, J. Qu, J. Li, J. C. S. Lui, Z. Li and X. Guan | In this paper, we design an efficient and scalable system via spatial-temporal traffic fingerprinting. |
101 | MagPrint: Deep Learning Based User Fingerprinting Using Electromagnetic Signals | L. Yang et al. | In this study, we developed MagPrint, a novel approach to fingerprint users based on unique patterns in the electromagnetic (EM) signals associated with the specific use patterns of users. |
102 | Universal Online Sketch for Tracking Heavy Hitters and Estimating Moments of Data Streams | Q. Xiao, Z. Tang and S. Chen | To address this performance issue, we need to fundamentally redesign the solution architecture from hierarchical sampling to new progressive sampling and from CountSketch to new ActiveCM+, which ensure that per-packet overhead is a small constant (4 hash and 4 memory accesses) in the worst case, making it much more suitable for online operations, especially for pipeline implementation. |
103 | PPGPass: Nonintrusive and Secure Mobile Two-Factor Authentication via Wearables | Y. Cao, Q. Zhang, F. Li, S. Yang and Y. Wang | In this paper, we propose PPGPass, a novel mobile two-factor authentication system, which leverages Photoplethysmography (PPG) sensors in wrist-worn wearables to extract individual characteristics of PPG signals. |
104 | One More Config is Enough: Saving (DC)TCP for High-speed Extremely Shallow-buffered Datacenters | W. Bai, S. Hu, K. Chen, K. Tan and Y. Xiong | To this end, we present BCC1, a simple yet effective solution that requires just one more ECN config (i.e., shared buffer ECN/RED) over prior solutions. |
105 | S-MAC: Achieving High Scalability via Adaptive Scheduling in LPWAN | Z. Xu, J. Luo, Z. Yin, T. He and F. Dong | In this paper, we present S-MAC, an adaptive MAC-layer scheduler for LPWAN. |
106 | Voiceprint Mimicry Attack Towards Speaker Verification System in Smart Home | L. Zhang, Y. Meng, J. Yu, C. Xiang, B. Falk and H. Zhu | In this study, we present VMask, a novel and practical voiceprint mimicry attack that could fool ASV in smart home and inject the malicious voice command disguised as a legitimate user. |
107 | AoI Scheduling with Maximum Thresholds | C. Li, S. Li, Y. Chen, Y. Thomas Hou and W. Lou | This paper investigates scheduling problems at network edge when each source node has an AoI requirement (which we call Maximum AoI Threshold (MAT)). |
108 | Efficient and Consistent TCAM Updates | B. Zhao, R. Li, J. Zhao and T. Wolf | In this paper, we design and evaluate a TCAM update optimization framework that can guarantee consistent forwarding during the entire update process while making use of a layered TCAM structure. |
109 | Turbo-HB: A Novel Design and Implementation to Achieve Ultra-Fast Hybrid Beamforming | Y. Chen, Y. Huang, C. Li, Y. Thomas Hou and W. Lou | In this paper, we present the design and implementation of Turbo-HB, codename for a novel beamforming design under the HB architecture that can obtain the beamforming matrices in about 1 ms. The key ideas in Turbo-HB include (i) reducing the complexity of SVD techniques by exploiting the limited number of channel paths at mmWave frequencies, and (ii) designing and implementing a parallelizable algorithm for a large number of matrix transformations. |
110 | Homa: An Efficient Topology and Route Management Approach in SD-WAN Overlays | D. Zad Tootaghaj, F. Ahmed, P. Sharma and M. Yannakakis | This paper presents an efficient topology and route management approach in Software-Defined Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN). |
111 | Placing Wireless Chargers with Limited Mobility | H. Dai, C. Wu, X. Wang, W. Dou and Y. Liu | To address PILOT, we propose a $\left( {\frac{1}{2} – \in } \right)$-approximation algorithm. |
112 | Machine Learning on Volatile Instances | X. Zhang, J. Wang, G. Joshi and C. Joe-Wong | We propose cost-effective strategies to exploit volatile cloud instances that are cheaper than standard instances, but may be interrupted by higher priority workloads. |
113 | Joint Inference on Truth/Rumor and Their Sources in Social Networks | S. Qu, Z. Zhao, L. Fu, X. Wang and J. Xu | To this end, we propose a framework named SourceCR, which alternates between two modules, i.e., credibility-reliability training for truth/rumor inference and division-querying for source detection, in an iterative manner. |
114 | Flow Table Security in SDN: Adversarial Reconnaissance and Intelligent Attacks | M. Yu, T. He, P. McDaniel and Q. K. Burke | Observing that many existing defenses are based on simplistic attack models, we develop a model of intelligent attacks that exploit specific cache-like behaviors of the flow table to infer its internal configuration and state, and then design attack parameters accordingly. |
115 | Faster and More Accurate Measurement through Additive-Error Counters | R. B. Basat, G. Einziger, M. Mitzenmacher and S. Vargaftik | Instead, we propose additive error estimators, which are simpler, faster, and more accurate when used for network measurement. |
116 | A Fast Hybrid Data Sharing Framework for Hierarchical Mobile Edge Computing | J. Xie, D. Guo, X. Shi, H. Cai, C. Qian and H. Chen | This paper presents a low-latency hybrid data-sharing framework, HDS, in which the data location service is divided into two parts: intra-region and inter-region. |
117 | Fog Integration with Optical Access Networks from an Energy Efficiency Perspective | A. Helmy and A. Nayak | In this paper, we study the challenges posed by these two imperatives by examining the integration of fog computing with passive optical networks (PONs) under power-conserving frameworks. |
118 | Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit Based Unknown Worker Recruitment in Heterogeneous Crowdsensing | G. Gao, J. Wu, M. Xiao and G. Chen | We model such an unknown worker recruitment process as a novel combinatorial multi-armed bandit problem, and propose an extended UCB based worker recruitment algorithm. |
119 | Message Type Identification of Binary Network Protocols using Continuous Segment Similarity | S. Kleber, R. W. van der Heijden and F. Kargl | We leverage the intrinsic structural features of binary protocols and propose an accurate method for discriminating message types.Our approach uses a similarity measure with continuous value range by comparing feature vectors where vector elements correspond to the fields in a message, rather than discrete byte values. |
120 | Data-driven Distributionally Robust Optimization for Edge Intelligence | Z. Zhang, S. Lin, M. Dedeoglu, K. Ding and J. Zhang | To tackle these challenges, we propose a distributionally robust optimization (DRO)-based edge intelligence framework, which is based on an innovative synergy of cloud knowledge transfer and local learning. |
121 | Cost Minimization in Multi-Path Communication under Throughput and Maximum Delay Constraints | Q. Liu, H. Zeng, M. Chen and L. Liu | We study the problem of minimizing network transmission cost subject to a maximum delay constraint and a throughput requirement. |
122 | User Preference Based Energy-Aware Mobile AR System with Edge Computing | H. Wang and J. Xie | In this paper, we design a user preference based energy-aware edge-based MAR system that enables MAR clients to dynamically change their configuration parameters, such as CPU frequency and computation model size, based on their user preferences, camera sampling rates, and available radio resources at the edge server. |
123 | Joint Access Point Placement and Power-Channel-Resource-Unit Assignment for 802.11ax-Based Dense WiFi with QoS Requirements | S. Qiu, X. Chu, Y. Leung and J. K. Yin Ng | In this paper, we aim at designing an 802.11ax-based dense WiFi network to provide WiFi services to a large number of users within a given area with the following objectives: (1) to minimize the number of access points (APs); (2) to fulfil the users? throughput requirement; and (3) to be resistant to AP failures. |
124 | AcouRadar: Towards Single Source based Acoustic Localization | L. Cheng, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, W. Wang, W. Xu and J. Wang | We present AcouRadar, an acoustic-based localization system with single sound source. |
125 | RF-Ear: Contactless Multi-device Vibration Sensing and Identification Using COTS RFID | P. Yang, Y. Feng, J. Xiong, Z. Chen and X. Li | In this work, we design RF-Ear, a contactless vibration sensing system using Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) RFID hardware. |
126 | mmTrack: Passive Multi-Person Localization Using Commodity Millimeter Wave Radio | C. Wu, F. Zhang, B. Wang and K. J. Ray Liu | In this paper, we break down the limitations by leveraging the emerging 60GHz millimeter-wave radios. |
127 | Towards Primary User Sybil-proofness for Online Spectrum Auction in Dynamic Spectrum Access | X. Dong, Q. Kang, Q. Yao, D. Lu, Y. Xu and J. Liu | In this paper, we propose TSUNAMI, the first Truthful and primary user Sybil-proof aUctioN mechAnisM for onlIne spectrum allocation. |
128 | IoTArgos: A Multi-Layer Security Monitoring System for Internet-of-Things in Smart Homes | Y. Wan, K. Xu, G. Xue and F. Wang | To address the security challenges of IoT systems in smart homes, this paper introduces IoTArgos, a multi-layer security monitoring system, which collects, analyzes, and characterizes data communications of heterogeneous IoT devices via programmable home routers. |
129 | Latency-aware VNF Chain Deployment with Efficient Resource Reuse at Network Edge | P. Jin, X. Fei, Q. Zhang, F. Liu and B. Li | In this work, we focus on jointly optimizing the resource utilization of both edge servers and physical links under the latency limitations. |
130 | Global Cooperation for Heterogeneous Networks | W. Chen, Z. Yin and T. He | To exploit this issue, a novel global cooperation framework is proposed. |
131 | Exploring Best Arm with Top Reward-Cost Ratio in Stochastic Bandits | Z. Qin, X. Gan, J. Liu, H. Wu, H. Jin and L. Fu | To solve this problem, we propose three algorithms: 1) a genie-aided algorithm GA; 2) the successive elimination algorithm with unknown gaps SEUG; 3) the successive elimination algorithm with unknown gaps and variance information SEUG-V, where gaps denote the differences between the optimal arm and the suboptimal arms. |
132 | When Reputation Meets Subsidy: How to Build High Quality On Demand Service Platforms | Z. Fang and J. Huang | In this paper, we propose a general reputation framework motivated by various practical examples. |
133 | A Structured Bidirectional LSTM Deep Learning Method For 3D Terahertz Indoor Localization | S. Fan, Y. Wu, C. Han and X. Wang | In this paper, a Structured Bidirectional Long Short-term Memory (SBi-LSTM) recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture is proposed to solve the CSI-based three-dimensional (3D) THz indoor localization problem with significantly improved accuracy. |
134 | Deeper Exercise Monitoring for Smart Gym using Fused RFID and CV Data | Z. Liu, X. Liu and K. Li | In order to address the issue, we design a DEeper Exercise Monitoring system, called DEEM, in which we introduce computer vision techniques to facilitate RFID devices to provide exercise estimation support, as well as identifying the users and the objects users hold. |
135 | Secure Balance Planning of Off-blockchain Payment Channel Networks | P. Li, T. Miyazaki and W. Zhou | In this paper, we address this challenge by designing PnP, a balance planning service for payment networks. |
136 | Camel: Smart, Adaptive Energy Optimization for Mobile Web Interactions | J. Ren et al. | This paper presents CAMEL, a novel energy optimization system for mobile web interactions. |
137 | DRAMD: Detect Advanced DRAM-based Stealthy Communication Channels with Neural Networks | Z. Lv, Y. Zhao, C. Zhang and H. Li | In this paper, we point out the weakness of existing detection solutions by demonstrating a new advanced DRAM-based channel, which utilizes the hardware Intel SGX to conceal cache miss and bank locality. |
138 | Communication-Efficient Distributed Deep Learning with Merged Gradient Sparsification on GPUs | S. Shi et al. | In this paper, we formulate the trade-off between communications and computations (including backward computation and gradient sparsification) as an optimization problem, and derive an optimal solution to the problem. |
139 | VFC-Based Cooperative UAV Computation Task Offloading for Post-disaster Rescue | W. Chen, Z. Su, Q. Xu, T. H. Luan and R. Li | This paper addresses the issue with a fog computing based UAV system. |
140 | ADA: Adaptive Deep Log Anomaly Detector | Y. Yuan, S. Srikant Adhatarao, M. Lin, Y. Yuan, Z. Liu and X. Fu | In this paper, we propose ADA: Adaptive Deep Log Anomaly Detector, an unsupervised online deep neural network framework that leverages LSTM networks and regularly adapts to newer log patterns to ensure accurate anomaly detection. |
141 | DeepAdapter: A Collaborative Deep Learning Framework for the Mobile Web Using Context-Aware Network Pruning | Y. Huang et al. | In this paper, we present DeepAdapter, a collaborative framework that ties the mobile web with an edge server and a remote cloud server to allow executing deep learning on the mobile web with lower processing latency, lower mobile energy, and higher system throughput. |
142 | Distributed Collaborative 3D-Deployment of UAV Base Stations for On-Demand Coverage | T. Kimura and M. Ogura | In this paper, we propose a novel distributed 3D deployment method for UAVBSs in a downlink network for on-demand coverage. |
143 | Online Learning for Joint Beam Tracking and Pattern Optimization in Massive MIMO Systems | J. Jeong, S. H. Lim, Y. Song and S. Jeon | In this paper, we consider a joint beam tracking and pattern optimization problem for massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems in which the base station (BS) selects a beamforming codebook and performs adaptive beam tracking taking into account the user mobility. |
144 | SurveilEdge: Real-time Video Query based on Collaborative Cloud-Edge Deep Learning | S. Wang, S. Yang and C. Zhao | Given the infeasibility of both cloud-only and edge-only solutions, we present SurveilEdge, a collaborative cloud-edge system for real-time queries of large-scale surveillance video streams. |
145 | MagB: Repurposing the Magnetometer for Fine-Grained Localization of IoT Devices | P. Appavoo, M. C. Chan and A. Bhojan | In this paper, we present MagB, a decimeter-level localization scheme that uses the magnetometer available on many IoT devices. |
146 | Online Network Flow Optimization for Multi-Grade Service Chains | V. Valls, G. Iosifidis, G. d. Mel and L. Tassiulas | The nodes host VNFs offering different and possibly time-varying gains for each stage of the chain, and our goal is to maximize the analytics performance while minimizing the data transfer and processing costs. |
147 | Exploring the interplay between CDN caching and video streaming performance | E. Ghabashneh and S. Rao | In this paper, we characterize how CDNs serve video content, and the implications for video performance, especially emerging 4K video streaming. |
148 | WBF-PS: WiGig Beam Fingerprinting for UAV Positioning System in GPS-denied Environments | P. Hong, C. Li, H. Chang, Y. Hsueh and K. Wang | To this end, we propose a practical non-GPS positioning system for UAVs, named WBF-PS (WiGig Beam Fingerprinting based Positioning System), using low-power, off-the-shelf WiGig devices. |
149 | MU-ID: Multi-user Identification Through Gaits Using Millimeter Wave Radios | X. Yang, J. Liu, Y. Chen, X. Guo and Y. Xie | Differently, in this paper, we propose MU-ID, a gait-based multi-user identification system leveraging a single commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) millimeter-wave (mmWave) radar. |
150 | SplitCast: Optimizing Multicast Flows in Reconfigurable Datacenter Networks | L. Luo, K. Foerster, S. Schmid and H. Yu | This paper presents SplitCast, a preemptive multicast scheduling approach that fully exploits emerging physical-layer multicast capabilities to reduce flow times. |
151 | Privacy Policy in Online Social Network with Targeted Advertising Business | G. Liao, X. Chenl and J. Huang | By carefully leveraging supermodularity property, we reveal from the equilibrium analysis that higher information exploitation will discourage users from exhibiting information, lowering the overall amount of exploited information and harming advertising revenue. |
152 | Letting off STEAM: Distributed Runtime Traffic Scheduling for Service Function Chaining | M. Bl?cher, R. Khalili, L. Wang and P. Eugster | We propose a throughput-optimal scheduling policy, called integer allocation maximum pressure policy (IA-MPP). |
153 | Similarity Caching: Theory and Algorithms | M. Garetto, E. Leonardi and G. Neglia | In this paper, we provide a first comprehensive analysis of similarity caching in the offline, adversarial, and stochastic settings. |
154 | A New Fully-Distributed Arbitration-Based Membership Protocol | S. B. Ahsan and I. Gupta | In this paper, we: 1) present the first fully decentralized and stabilizing version of membership protocols in this class; 2) formally prove properties and claims about both our decentralized version and the original protocol; and 3) present experimental results from both a simulation and a real cluster implementation. |
155 | SwarmControl: An Automated Distributed Control Framework for Self-Optimizing Drone Networks | L. Bertizzolo et al. | This article introduces SwarmControl, a new software-defined control framework for UAV wireless networks based on distributed optimization principles. |
156 | Simple and Fast Distributed Computation of Betweenness Centrality | P. Crescenzi, P. Fraigniaud and A. Paz | We resolve this issue by designing an efficient algorithm for computing betweenness centrality, which can be implemented by minimal modifications to any distance-vector routing protocol based on Bellman-Ford. |
157 | A Fast Carrier Scheduling Algorithm for Battery-free Sensor Tags in Commodity Wireless Networks | C. P?rez-Penichet, D. Piumwardane, C. Rohner and T. Voigt | We propose an efficient scheduling algorithm that parallelizes communications with battery-free tags when possible and shares carriers among multiple tags concurrently. |
158 | Online Placement of Virtual Machines with Prior Data | D. Naori and D. Raz | In this paper, we adopt a recent theoretical model for the design and analysis of online algorithms that allows taking such historical data into account. |
159 | LiveScreen: Video Chat Liveness Detection Leveraging Skin Reflection | H. Liu et al. | In this work, we develop a novel video chat liveness detection system, LiveScreen, which can track the weak light changes reflected off the skin of a human face leveraging chromatic eigenspace differences. |
160 | Fast Network Alignment via Graph Meta-Learning | F. Zhou, C. Cao, G. Trajcevski, K. Zhang, T. Zhong and J. Geng | We approach the NA from a different perspective, tackling it via meta-learning in a semi-supervised manner, and propose an effective and efficient approach called Meta-NA — a novel, conceptually simple, flexible, and general framework. |
161 | Hop-by-Hop Multipath Routing: Choosing the Right Nexthop Set | K. Schneider, B. Zhang and L. Benmohamed | In this paper, we investigate the requirements and trade-offs for making this choice.Most related work chooses the viable nexthops by applying the “Downward Criterion”, i.e., only adding nexthops that lead closer to the destination; or more generally by creating a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for each destination. |
162 | Variational Information Diffusion for Probabilistic Cascades Prediction | F. Zhou, X. Xu, K. Zhang, G. Trajcevski and T. Zhong | To address these, in this work we propose a novel probabilistic cascade prediction framework: Variational Cascade (VaCas) graph learning networks. |
163 | (How Much) Does a Private WAN Improve Cloud Performance? | T. Arnold et al. | The benefits are not universal. While 48% of our vantage points saw improved performance when using the WAN, 43% had statistically indistinguishable median performance, and 9% had better performance over the public Internet. |
164 | Bandwidth Allocation and Service Differentiation in D2D Wireless Networks | F. Baccelli and S. S. Kalamkar | Inspired by a new feature in 5G NR called bandwidth part (BWP), this paper presents a bandwidth allocation (BA) model that allows one to adapt the bandwidth allocated to users depending on their data rate needs. |
165 | CoBeam: Beamforming-based Spectrum Sharing With Zero Cross-Technology Signaling for 5G Wireless Networks | L. Bertizzolo, E. Demirors, Z. Guan and T. Melodia | We present a prototype of the resulting coexisting Wi-Fi/U-LTE network built on off-the-shelf software radios based on which we evaluate the performance of CoBeam through an extensive experimental campaign. |
166 | On the Power of Randomization for Scheduling Real-Time Traffic in Wireless Networks | C. Tsanikidis and J. Ghaderi | In this paper, we consider the problem of scheduling real-time traffic in wireless networks under a conflict-graph interference model and single-hop traffic. |
167 | Informative Path Planning for Mobile Sensing with Reinforcement Learning | Y. Wei and R. Zheng | In this paper, we propose a novel IPP algorithm using reinforcement learning (RL). |
168 | Cooperative Service Caching and Workload Scheduling in Mobile Edge Computing | X. Ma, A. Zhou, S. Zhang and S. Wang | To address this issue, we consider cooperation among edge nodes and investigate cooperative service caching and workload scheduling in mobile edge computing. |
169 | Fair and Protected Profit Sharing for Data Trading in Pervasive Edge Computing Environments | Y. Huang, Y. Zeng, F. Ye and Y. Yang | In this paper, we propose a smart-contract based protocol to protect the profit of the data producer while allowing consumers to resell the data legitimately. |
170 | Towards Correlated Queries on Trading of Private Web Browsing History | H. Cai, F. Ye, Y. Yang, Y. Zhu and J. Li | In this paper, we study the trading of multiple correlated queries on private web browsing history data. |
171 | Eagle: Refining Congestion Control by Learning from the Experts | S. Emara, B. Li and Y. Chen | In this paper, we seek to reconsider these fundamental goals in congestion control, and propose Eagle, a new congestion control algorithm to refine existing heuristics. |
172 | Classification of Load Balancing in the Internet | R. Almeida, ?. Cunha, R. Teixeira, D. Veitch and C. Diot | We introduce the Multipath Classification Algorithm (MCA), a probing algorithm that extends traceroute to identify and classify load balancing in Internet routes. |
173 | MAMBA: A Multi-armed Bandit Framework for Beam Tracking in Millimeter-wave Systems | I. Aykin, B. Akgun, M. Feng and M. Krunz | In this paper, we propose a multi-armed bandit framework, called MAMBA, for beam tracking in mmW systems. |
174 | FastVA: Deep Learning Video Analytics Through Edge Processing and NPU in Mobile | T. Tan and G. Cao | To address this issue, we propose a framework called FastVA, which supports deep learning video analytics through edge processing and Neural Processing Unit (NPU) in mobile. |
175 | Scheduling for Weighted Flow and Completion Times in Reconfigurable Networks | M. Dinitz and B. Moseley | In this paper, we work in the same setting but study an objective that is more meaningful in an online setting: the sum of flow times. |
176 | Low-Overhead Joint Beam-Selection and Random-Access Schemes for Massive Internet-of-Things with Non-Uniform Channel and Load | Y. Zou et al. | In contrast, we propose a new Low-overhead Multi-Channel Joint Channel-Assignment and Random-Access (L-MC-JCARA) algorithm that reduces the overhead to be independent of the number of interfering nodes. |
177 | Autonomous Unknown-Application Filtering and Labeling for DL-based Traffic Classifier Update | J. Zhang, F. Li, F. Ye and H. Wu | To tackle this issue, an autonomous learning framework is proposed to effectively update DL-based traffic classification models during active operations. |
178 | IoTGaze: IoT Security Enforcement via Wireless Context Analysis | T. Gu, Z. Fang, A. Abhishek, H. Fu, P. Hu and P. Mohapatra | In this work, we creatively change the angle to consider security problems from a wireless context perspective. |
179 | AoI and Throughput Tradeoffs in Routing-aware Multi-hop Wireless Networks | J. Lou, X. Yuan, S. Kompella and N. Tzeng | In this paper, we explore their relationships in multi-hop networks for the very first time, particularly focusing on the impacts of flexible routes on the two metrics. |
180 | Reducing the Service Function Chain Backup Cost over the Edge and Cloud by a Self-adapting Scheme | X. Shang, Y. Huang, Z. Liu and Y. Yang | In this paper, we propose a novel self-adapting scheme named SAB to efficiently backup VNFs over both the edge and the cloud. |
181 | Sequential addition of coded sub-tasks for straggler mitigation | A. Badita, P. Parag and V. Aggarwal | We consider a proactive straggler mitigation strategy where n 0 out of n coded sub-tasks are started at time 0 while the remaining n – n 0 coded sub-tasks are launched when l 0 ? min(n 0 , k) of the initial ones finish. |
182 | U-CIMAN: Uncover Spectrum and User Information in LTE Mobile Access Networks | R. Zou and W. Wang | Given the wide-spread deployment of LTE and its continuous evolution to 5G, we design and implement U-CIMAN, a client-side system to accurately UnCover as much Information in Mobile Access Networks as allowed by LTE encryption. |
183 | Offloading Dependent Tasks in Mobile Edge Computing with Service Caching | G. Zhao, H. Xu, Y. Zhao, C. Qiao and L. Huang | We formally define the problem of offloading dependent tasks with service caching (ODT-SC), and prove that there exists no algorithm with constant approximation for this hard problem. |
184 | HiFi: Hybrid Rule Placement for Fine-Grained Flow Management in SDNs | G. Zhao, H. Xu, J. Fan, L. Huang and C. Qiao | In this paper, we design and implement HiFi, a system that achieves fine-grained management with a minimal number of flow entries. |
185 | Is Deadline Oblivious Scheduling Efficient for Controlling Real-Time Traffic in Cellular Downlink Systems? | S. ElAzzouni, E. Ekici and N. Shroff | To this end, we propose a primal-dual Deadline-Oblivious (DO) algorithm, and show it is approximately 3.6-competitive. |
186 | Delay-Optimal Distributed Edge Computing in Wireless Edge Networks | X. Gong | In this paper, we explore DEC that exploits distributed edge devices connected by a wireless network to perform a computation task offloaded from an end device. |
187 | Dynamically Adaptive Cooperation Transmission among Satellite-Ground Integrated Networks | F. Tang | In this paper, we firstly propose a SDN-based network architecture, where resources in SGINs are managed and scheduled in the layered and on-demand way. Then, we formulate the dynamical cooperation transmission in SGINs as an optimization problem and prove its NP hardness. |
188 | On the Optimal Repair-Scaling Trade-off in Locally Repairable Codes | S. Wu, Z. Shen and P. P. C. Lee | In this paper, we analyze the optimal trade-off between the repair and scaling performance of LRC in clustered storage systems. |
189 | SpreadSketch: Toward Invertible and Network-Wide Detection of Superspreaders | L. Tang, Q. Huang and P. P. C. Lee | We present SpreadSketch, an invertible sketch data structure for network-wide superspreader detection with the theoretical guarantees on memory space, performance, and accuracy. |
190 | Network Monitoring for SDN Virtual Networks | G. Yang, H. Jin, M. Kang, G. Jun Moon and C. Yoo | This paper proposes V-Sight, a network monitoring framework for software-defined networking (SDN)-based virtual networks. |
191 | Skin-MIMO: Vibration-based MIMO Communication over Human Skin | D. Ma, Y. Wu, M. Ding, M. Hassan and W. Hu | To solve this problem, we propose Skin-MIMO, a deep learning based CSI acquisition technique to accurately predict CSI entirely based on inertial sensor (accelerometer and gyroscope) measurements at the transmitter, thus obviating the need for channel sounding. |
192 | An Incentive Mechanism Design for Efficient Edge Learning by Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach | Y. Zhan and J. Zhang | Due to the network dynamics and privacy protection, we propose a deep reinforcement learning-based (DRL-based) solution that can automatically learn the best pricing strategy. |
193 | Your Privilege Gives Your Privacy Away: An Analysis of a Home Security Camera Service | J. Li, Z. Li, G. Tyson and G. Xie | Our study takes two perspectives: (i) we explore the per-user behaviour, identifying core clusters of users; and (ii) we build on this analysis to extract and predict privacy-compromising insight. |
194 | Continuous User Verification via Respiratory Biometrics | J. Liu, Y. Chen, Y. Dong, Y. Wang, T. Zhao and Y. Yao | Toward this end, we propose a continuous user verification system, which re-uses the widely deployed WiFi infrastructure to capture the unique physiological characteristics rooted in user?s respiratory motions. |
195 | RF-Rhythm: Secure and Usable Two-Factor RFID Authentication | J. Li et al. | We propose RF-Rhythm, a secure and usable two-factor RFID authentication system with strong resilience to lost/stolen/cloned RFID cards. |
196 | A Dynamic Mechanism for Security Management in Multi-Agent Networked Systems | S. Navabi and A. Nayyar | We study the problem of designing a dynamic mechanism for security management in an interconnected multi-agent system with N strategic agents and one coordinator. |
197 | Modeling the Impact of Network Connectivity on Consensus Security of Proof-of-Work Blockchain | Y. Xiao, N. Zhang, W. Lou and Y. T. Hou | In this paper we fill the gap by proposing an analytical model to assess the impact of network connectivity on the consensus security of PoW blockchain under different adversary models. |
198 | EncELC: Hardening and Enriching Ethereum Light Clients with Trusted Enclaves | C. Cai, L. Xu, A. Zhou, R. Wang, C. Wang and Q. Wang | In this paper, we propose EncELC, a new Ethereum light client design that enforces full-fledged protections for clients and enables rich queries over the Ethereum blockchain. |
199 | Enabling Communication via Automotive Radars: An Adaptive Joint Waveform Design Approach | C. D. Ozkaptan, E. Ekici and O. Altintas | In this paper, we address the optimal joint waveform design problem for wideband JARC systems via Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM). |
200 | Rldish: Edge-Assisted QoE Optimization of HTTP Live Streaming with Reinforcement Learning | H. Wang, K. Wu, J. Wang and G. Tang | To tackle the problem, we propose Rldish, a scheme deployed at the edge CDN server, to dynamically select a suitable IVS for new live viewers based on Reinforcement Learning (RL). |
201 | OST: On-Demand TSCH Scheduling with Traffic-Awareness | S. Jeong, H. Kim, J. Paek and S. Bahk | To this end, we propose OST, an On-demand Scheduling scheme for TSCH with traffic-awareness. |
202 | Design and Optimization of Electric Autonomous Vehicles with Renewable Energy Source for Smart Cities | P. Zhou, C. Wang and Y. Yang | Motivated by the innovations in renewable energy harvesting, we leverage solar energy to power autonomous vehicles via charging stations and solar-harvesting rooftops, and design a framework that optimizes the operation of these systems from end to end. |
203 | Mneme: A Mobile Distributed Ledger | D. Chatzopoulos, S. Gujar, B. Faltings and P. Hui | In this work, we introduce Mneme, a DAG-based distributed ledger that can be maintained solely by mobile devices and operates via two consensus protocols: Proof-of-Context (PoC) and Proof-of-Equivalence (PoE). |
204 | Distributed and Optimal RDMA Resource Scheduling in Shared Data Center Networks | D. Shen, J. Luo, F. Dong, X. Guo, K. Wang and J. C. S. Lui | Distributed and Optimal RDMA Resource Scheduling in Shared Data Center Networks |
205 | Tiny Tasks ? A Remedy for Synchronization Constraints in Multi-Server Systems | M. Fidler, B. Walker and S. Bora | In this paper we use recent advances in stochastic network calculus to fundamentally understand the effects of task granularity on parallel systems? scaling, stability, and performance. |
206 | Threats of Adversarial Attacks in DNN-Based Modulation Recognition | Y. Lin, H. Zhao, Y. Tu, S. Mao and Z. Dou | From the perspective of an attacker, this study adds elaborate adversarial examples to the modulation signal, and explores the threats and impacts of adversarial attacks on the DNN-based modulation recognition in different environments. |
207 | Injection Time Planning: Making CQF Practical in Time-Sensitive Networking | J. Yan, W. Quan, X. Jiang and Z. Sun | In this paper, we propose an Injection Time Planning (ITP) mechanism to optimize the network throughput of time-sensitive flows based on the observation that the start time when the packets are injected into the network has an important influence on the utilization of CQF queue resources. |
208 | Enabling Execution Assurance of Federated Learning at Untrusted Participants | X. Zhang, F. Li, Z. Zhang, Q. Li, C. Wang and J. Wu | In this paper, we propose TrustFL, a practical scheme that leverages Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to build assurance of participants? training executions with high confidence. |
209 | Online Control of Preamble Groups with Priority in Cellular IoT Networks | J. Liu, M. Agiwal, M. Qu and H. Jin | In order to prioritize the IoT devices in RAP, we propose a novel online control algorithm with dynamic preamble distribution over multiple priorities. |
210 | On the Minimum Achievable Age of Information for General Service-Time Distributions | J. P. Champati, R. R. Avula, T. J. Oechtering and J. Gross | To address this question, we study a problem of optimizing AoI under service preemptions. |
211 | Reconfigure and Reuse: Interoperable Wearables for Healthcare IoT | N. Pathak, A. Mukherjee and S. Misra | In this work, we propose Over-The-Air (OTA)-based reconfigurable IoT health-monitoring wearables, which tether wirelessly to a low-power and portable central processing and communication hub (CPH). |
212 | An Adaptive Robustness Evolution Algorithm with Self-Competition for Scale-Free Internet of Things | T. Qiu, Z. Lu, K. Li, G. Xue and D. O. Wu | Therefore, we combine the population state with the evolutionary process and propose an Adaptive Robustness Evolution Algorithm (AREA) with self-competition for scale-free IoT topologies. |
213 | Physical-Layer Arithmetic for Federated Learning in Uplink MU-MIMO Enabled Wireless Networks | T. Huang, B. Ye, Z. Qu, B. Tang, L. Xie and S. Lu | In this paper, we consider the application of federated learning in wireless networks featuring uplink multiuser multiple-input and multiple-output (MU-MIMO), and aim at optimizing the communication efficiency during the aggregation of client-side updates by exploiting the inherent superposition of radio frequency (RF) signals. |
214 | Working Set Theorems for Routing in Self-Adjusting Skip List Networks | C. Avin, I. Salem and S. Schmid | Our first contribution is SASL2, which is a randomized and sequential SAN algorithm that achieves the working set property. |
215 | A Longitudinal View of Netflix: Content Delivery over IPv6 and Content Cache Deployments | T. V. Doan, V. Bajpai and S. Crawford | We present an active measurement test (netflix) that downloads content from the Netflix content delivery network. |
216 | TINA: A Fair Inter-datacenter Transmission Mechanism with Deadline Guarantee | X. Dong, W. Li, X. Zhou, K. Li and H. Qi | In this paper, we propose TINA to schedule network transfers fairly while providing deadline guarantees. |
217 | On the impact of accurate radio link modeling on the performance of WirelessHART control networks | Y. Z. Lun, C. Rinaldi, A. Alrish, A. D?Innocenzo and F. Santucci | In this perspective, this paper addresses the modeling and design challenge by focusing on WirelessHART, which is a networking protocol stack widely adopted for wireless industrial automation. |
218 | AnyScatter: Eliminating Technology Dependency in Ambient Backscatter Systems | T. Kim and W. Lee | In this paper, we introduce technology-independent ambient backscatter systems where a backscatter tag utilizes all single-stream ambient signals transmitted by nearby devices. |
219 | How to Distribute Computation in Networks | D. Malak, A. Cohen and M. M?dard | In this paper, we propose a new perspective for distributing computation, and formulate a flow-based delay cost minimization problem that jointly captures the costs of communications and computation. |
220 | Elastic Network Virtualization | M. Alaluna, N. Neves and F. M. V. Ramos | For this purpose, we introduce four primitives to tenants? virtual networks ? including scale in and scale out ? and propose new algorithms to materialize them. |
221 | AZTEC: Anticipatory Capacity Allocation for Zero-Touch Network Slicing | D. Bega, M. Gramaglia, M. Fiore, A. Banchs and X. Costa-Perez | In this paper, we propose AZTEC, a data-driven framework that effectively allocates capacity to individual slices by adopting an original multi-timescale forecasting model. |
222 | MAGIC: Magnetic Resonant Coupling for Intra-body Communication | S. Banou, K. Li and K. Chowdhury | This paper proposes MAGIC: magnetic resonant (MR) coupling for intra-body communication between implants and wearables. |
223 | POLAR: Passive object localization with IEEE 802.11ad using phased antenna arrays | D. Garcia, J. O. Lacruz, P. Jim?nez Mateo and J. Widmer | In this paper, we explore the passive object localization accuracy that can be achieved with IEEE 802.11ad devices. |
224 | PASID: Exploiting Indoor mmWave Deployments for Passive Intrusion Detection | F. Devoti, V. Sciancalepore, I. Filippini and X. Costa-Perez | In this paper, we present a novel PASsive Intrusion Detection system, namely PASID, leveraging on already deployed indoor mmWave communication systems. |
225 | Tracking the State of Large Dynamic Networks via Reinforcement Learning | M. Andrews, S. Borst, J. Lee, E. Martin-Lopez and K. Palyutina | We consider the problem faced by a NIM that can send out a limited number of probes to track changes in a large, dynamic network. |
226 | Joint Configuration Adaptation and Bandwidth Allocation for Edge-based Real-time Video Analytics | C. Wang, S. Zhang, Y. Chen, Z. Qian, J. Wu and M. Xiao | In this paper, we study the configuration adaption and bandwidth allocation for multiple video streams, which are connected to the same edge node sharing an upload link. |
227 | SocialDrone: An Integrated Social Media and Drone Sensing System for Reliable Disaster Response | M. T. Rashid, D. Y. Zhang and D. Wang | In this paper, we present SocialDrone, a novel closed-loop social-physical active sensing framework that integrates social media and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for reliable disaster response applications. |
228 | Stochastic Network Utility Maximization with Unknown Utilities: Multi-Armed Bandits Approach | A. Verma and M. K. Hanawal | In this paper, we study a novel Stochastic Network Utility Maximization (NUM) problem where the utilities of agents are unknown. |
229 | DeepTrack: Grouping RFID Tags Based on Spatio-temporal Proximity in Retail Spaces | S. Li, M. Arslan, A. Khojastepour, S. V. Krishnamurthy and S. Rangarajan | We design DeepTrack, a framework that uses deep learning to automatically track the group of items carried by a customer during her shopping journey. |
230 | Exploiting Self-Similarity for Under-Determined MIMO Modulation Recognition | W. Xiong, L. Zhang, M. McNeil, P. Bogdanov and M. Zheleva | Our key idea is to exploit the inherent multi-scale self-similarity of MIMO modulation IQ constellations, which persists in under-determined settings. |
231 | URSAL: Ultra-Efficient, Reliable, Scalable, and Available Block Storage at Low Cost | H. Li, Y. Zhang, H. Wang and P. Zhong | To lower the storage cost, in this paper we design URSAL, an HDD-only block store which provides ultra efficiency, reliability, scalability and availability at low cost. |
232 | PROMAR: Practical Reference Object-based Multi-user Augmented Reality | T. Li, N. S. Nguyen, X. Zhang, T. Wang and B. Sheng | The main technical challenge we address is that when facing the exact same scene, the user who places the VO and the user who views the VO may have different view angles and distances to the scene. |
233 | Learning Optimal Sniffer Channel Assignment for Small Cell Cognitive Radio Networks | L. Chen, Z. Lu, P. Zhou and J. Xu | In this paper, we consider a passive monitoring system for SCRNs, which deploys sniffers for wireless traffic capture and network forensics, and study the optimal sniffer channel assignment (SCA) problem to maximize the monitoring performance. |
234 | Online Bayesian Learning for Rate Selection in Millimeter Wave Cognitive Radio Networks | M. A. Qureshi and C. Tekin | We consider the problem of dynamic rate selection in a cognitive radio network (CRN) over the millimeter wave (mmWave) spectrum. |
235 | Optimizing Resolution-Adaptive Massive MIMO Networks | N. Prasad, X. F. Qi and A. Molev-Shteiman | In this work, we propose a methodology based on a constrained worst-case quantization noise formulation, along with another one that assumes quantization noise covariance to be diagonal. |
236 | Setting the Yardstick: A Quantitative Metric for Effectively Measuring Tactile Internet | J. P. Verburg, H. J. C. Kroep, V. Gokhale, R. V. Prasad and V. Rao | To this end, we propose a method that captures the fine-grained performance of TI in terms of delay and precision. |
237 | An Energy Efficiency Multi-Level Transmission Strategy based on underwater multimodal communication in UWSNs | Z. Zhao, C. Liu, W. Qu and T. Yu | Our objective is to design a multi-level transmission strategy by using underwater multimodal communication system so that multiple paths with different transmission latency and energy consumption are provided for underwater data in UWSNs. |
238 | A Zeroth-Order ADMM Algorithm for Stochastic Optimization over Distributed Processing Networks | Z. Shi and A. Eryilmaz | In this paper, we address the problem of stochastic optimization over distributed processing networks, which is motivated by machine learning applications performed in data centers. |
239 | AudiSDN: Automated Detection of Network Policy Inconsistencies in Software-Defined Networks | S. Lee, S. Woo, J. Kim, V. Yegneswaran, P. Porras and S. Shin | In this paper, we focus on the question of how to automatically identify cases in which the SDN stack fails to prevent policy inconsistencies from arising among these components. |
240 | Differentially Private Range Counting in Planar Graphs for Spatial Sensing | A. Ghosh, J. Ding, R. Sarkar and J. Gao | This paper considers the problem of privately reporting counts of events recorded by devices in different regions of the plane. |
241 | SmartBond: A Deep Probabilistic Machinery for Smart Channel Bonding in IEEE 802.11ac | R. Karmakar, S. Chattopadhyay and S. Chakraborty | In a different direction, in this paper, we develop a method for avoiding hidden channels by meticulously predicting the channel width that can reduce interference as well as can improve the average communication capacity. |
242 | Online Precoding Design for Downlink MIMO Wireless Network Virtualization with Imperfect CSI | J. Wang, M. Dong, B. Liang and G. Boudreau | We propose a new online MIMO WNV algorithm to provide a semi-closed-form precoding solution based only on the current imperfect CSI. |
243 | Unifying AoI Minimization and Remote Estimation ? Optimal Sensor/Controller Coordination with Random Two-way Delay | C. Tsai and C. Wang | Instead of focusing on the sensor and controller sides separately, this work develops the optimal joint sensor/controller waiting policy in a Wiener-process system. |
244 | Energy Harvesting Long-Range Marine Communication | A. Hosseini-Fahraji et al. | This paper proposes a self-sustaining broadband long-range maritime communication as an alternative to the expensive and slow satellite communications in offshore areas. |
245 | Distributed Inference Acceleration with Adaptive DNN Partitioning and Offloading | T. Mohammed, C. Joe-Wong, R. Babbar and M. D. Francesco | In contrast, this article proposes a technique to divide a DNN in multiple partitions that can be processed locally by end devices or offloaded to one or multiple powerful nodes, such as in fog networks. |
246 | ROBin: Known-Plaintext Attack Resistant Orthogonal Blinding via Channel Randomization | Y. Pan, Y. Zheng and M. Li | Our proposed scheme leverages a reconfigurable antenna for Alice to rapidly change the channel state during transmission and a compressive sensing based algorithm for her to predict and cancel the changing effects for Bob. |
247 | Expanding the Role of Preambles to Support User-defined Functionality in MIMO-based WLANs | Z. Zhang, H. Rahbari and M. Krunz | Specifically, in this paper, we develop a scheme called extensible preamble modulation (ePMod) for the MIMO-based 802.11ac protocol. |
248 | Network-Aware Optimization of Distributed Learning for Fog Computing | Y. Tu, Y. Ruan, S. Wagle, C. G. Brinton and C. Joe-Wong | We are the first to address these challenges by developing a network-aware distributed learning optimization methodology where devices process data for a task locally and send their learnt parameters to a server for aggregation at certain time intervals. |
249 | SIMBA: Single RF Chain Multi-User Beamforming in 60 GHz WLANs | K. P. Dasala, J. M. Jornet and E. W. Knightly | To overcome this limit, we propose SIngle RF chain Multiuser BeAmforming (SIMBA), a novel framework for multi-stream multi-user downlink transmission via a single RF chain. |
250 | Verifying Policy-based Routing at Internet Scale | X. Shao and L. Gao | In this paper, we propose a scheme that characterizes routingpolicy verification problems into a Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) problems. |
251 | Looking before Crossing: An Optimal Algorithm to Minimize UAV Energy by Speed Scheduling with a Practical Flight Energy Model | F. Shan, J. Luo, R. Xiong, W. Wu and J. Li | For the online problem, i.e., GN information is not unavailable unless flies close, we propose an offline-inspired online heuristic. |
252 | Synergetic Denial-of-Service Attacks and Defense in Underwater Named Data Networking | Y. Li, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, Z. Guo, H. Yin and H. Teng | In this paper, we present a new type of DoS attacks, named as Synergetic Denial-of-Service (SDoS). |
253 | Dense Distributed Massive MIMO: Precoding and Power Control | A. ?. Kaya and H. Viswanathan | We present a non-iterative downlink precoding approach for distributed massive multiple-input multiple output systems (DmMIMO) where users are served by overlapping clusters of transmission/reception points (TRP) and channel estimates for links outside the clusters are available. |
254 | Joint Optimization of Signal Design and Resource Allocation in Wireless D2D Edge Computing | J. Kim, T. Kim, M. Hashemi, C. G. Brinton and D. J. Love | In this paper, we study the distributed computational capabilities of device-to-device (D2D) networks. |
255 | Coded Edge Computing | K. Taik Kim, C. Joe-Wong and M. Chiang | In this work, we propose an error-correcting-code inspired strategy to execute computing tasks in edge computing environments, which is designed to mitigate variability in response times and errors caused by edge devices? heterogeneity and lack of reliability. |
256 | On the Economic Value of Mobile Caching | Y. Ruan and C. Joe-Wong | We consider a network operator using both mobile (e.g., vehicular) and stationary (small cell) caches, and find the optimal amount of both types of caches under time- and location-varying user demands, as a function of the cache prices. |
257 | Stable and Efficient Piece-Selection in Multiple Swarm BitTorrent-like Peer-to-Peer Networks | N. Khan, M. Moharrami and V. Subramanian | In this work, we propose a tunable piece-selection policy that minimizes this (undesirable) requisite by combining the (work-conserving) rarest-first protocol with only an appropriate share of the (non-work conserving) mode-suppression protocol. |
258 | An Adaptive and Fast Convergent Approach to Differentially Private Deep Learning | Z. Xu, S. Shi, A. X. Liu, J. Zhao and L. Chen | In this paper, we develop ADADP, an adaptive and fast convergent learning algorithm with a provable privacy guarantee. |
259 | Semi-distributed Contention-based Resource Allocation for Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications | P. Brown and S. E. Elayoubi | In order to achieve both reliability and latency constraints, we consider in this paper the combination of contention-based access with blind replication of packets. |
260 | Decentralized placement of data and analytics in wireless networks for energy-efficient execution | P. Basu et al. | We address energy-efficient placement of data and analytics components of composite analytics services on a wireless network to minimize execution-time energy consumption (computation and communication) subject to compute, storage and network resource constraints. |
261 | Optimizing Mixture Importance Sampling Via Online Learning: Algorithms and Applications | T. Liu, H. Xie and J. C. S. Lui | To reduce such cost, we propose an efficient mixture importance distribution for multiple rare events, and formulate the mixture importance sampling optimization problem (MISOP) to select the optimal mixture. |
262 | Enabling RFID-Based Tracking for Multi-Objects with Visual Aids: A Calibration-Free Solution | C. Duan, W. Shi, F. Dang and X. Ding | In this work, we propose Tagview, a pervasive identifying and tracking system that can work in various settings without repetitive calibration efforts. |
263 | ProTO: Proactive Topology Obfuscation Against Adversarial Network Topology Inference | T. Hou, Z. Qu, T. Wang, Z. Lu and Y. Liu | In this paper, we aim at preventing attacks that use adversarial, active end-to-end topology inference to obtain the topology information of a target network. |
264 | SAFCast: Smart Inter-Datacenter Multicast Transfer with Deadline Guarantee by Store-And-Forwarding | H. Kang, C. Hung and C. H. -. Wen | SAFCast as a new algorithm is proposed for multicasting transfers and deadline-aware scheduling. In SAFCast, we develop a tree pruning process and make datacenters employ the store-and-forwarding mechanism to improve the issue of bandwidth competition. |
265 | MABSTA: Collaborative Computing over Heterogeneous Devices in Dynamic Environments | Y. Kao, K. Wright, P. Huang, B. Krishnamachari and F. Bai | In this paper, we formulate the task assignment problem as an online learning problem using an adversarial multi-armed bandit framework. |
266 | A Converse Result on Convergence Time for Opportunistic Wireless Scheduling | M. J. Neely | This paper proves an impossibility result for stochastic network utility maximization for multi-user wireless systems, including multi-access and broadcast systems. |
267 | DFD: Adversarial Learning-based Approach to Defend Against Website Fingerprinting | A. Abusnaina, R. Jang, A. Khormali, D. Nyang and D. Mohaisen | In this paper, we conduct in-depth analyses of two state-of-the-art WF defense approaches. |