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Most Influential NIPS Papers (2023-09)

The Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) is one of the top machine learning conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyzes all papers published on NIPS in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the latest version of this list or the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, please visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2023-09)

To search or review papers within NIPS related to a specific topic, please use the search by venue (NIPS) and review by venue (NIPS) services. To browse the most productive NIPS authors by year ranked by #papers accepted, here is a list of most productive NIPS authors.

Most Influential ICML Papers (2023-09)

The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) is one of the top machine learning conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyzes all papers published on ICML in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the latest version of this list or the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, please visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2023-09)

To search or review papers within ICML related to a specific topic, please use the search by venue (ICML) and review by venue (ICML) services. To browse the most productive ICML authors by year ranked by #papers accepted, here is a list of most productive ICML authors.

Most Influential SIGCOMM Papers (2023-09)

SIGCOMM is one of the top data communications and networking conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyzes all papers published on SIGCOMM in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the latest version of this list or the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, please visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2023-09)

To search or review papers within SIGCOMM related to a specific topic, please use the search by venue (SIGCOMM) and review by venue (SIGCOMM) services. To browse the most productive SIGCOMM authors by year ranked by #papers accepted, here is a list of most productive SIGCOMM authors.

Most Influential ECCV Papers (2023-09)

The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) is one of the top computer vision conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyzes all papers published on ECCV in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the latest version of this list or the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, please visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2023-09)

To search or review papers within ECCV related to a specific topic, please use the search by venue (ECCV) and review by venue (ECCV) services. To browse the most productive ECCV authors by year ranked by #papers accepted, here is a list of most productive ECCV authors.

Most Influential ACL Papers (2023-09)

Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) is one of the top natural language processing conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyzes all papers published on ACL in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the latest version of this list or the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, please visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2023-09)

To search or review papers within ACL related to a specific topic, please use the search by venue (ACL) and review by venue (ACL) services. To browse the most productive ACL authors by year ranked by #papers accepted, here is a list of most productive ACL authors.

Most Influential KDD Papers (2023-09)

ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) is one of the top data mining conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyzes all papers published on KDD in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the latest version of this list or the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, please visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2023-09)

To search or review papers within KDD related to a specific topic, please use the search by venue (KDD) and review by venue (KDD) services. To browse the most productive KDD authors by year ranked by #papers accepted, here is a list of most productive KDD authors.

Most Influential ICLR Papers (2023-09)

The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) is one of the top machine learning conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyzes all papers published on ICLR in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the latest version of this list or the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, please visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2023-09)

To search or review papers within ICLR related to a specific topic, please use the search by venue (ICLR) and review by venue (ICLR) services. To browse the most productive ICLR authors by year ranked by #papers accepted, here is a list of most productive ICLR authors.

Most Influential CVPR Papers (2023-09)

The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) is one of the top computer vision conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyzes all papers published on CVPR in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the latest version of this list or the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, please visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2023-09)

To search or review papers within CVPR related to a specific topic, please use the search by venue (CVPR) and review by venue (CVPR) services. To browse the most productive CVPR authors by year ranked by #papers accepted, here is a list of most productive CVPR authors.

Most Influential SIGIR Papers (2023-09)

SIGIR (Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval) is one of the top information retrieval conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyzes all papers published on SIGIR in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the latest version of this list or the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, please visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2023-09)

To search or review papers within SIGIR related to a specific topic, please use the search by venue (SIGIR) and review by venue (SIGIR) services. To browse the most productive SIGIR authors by year ranked by #papers accepted, here is a list of most productive SIGIR authors.

Most Influential WWW Papers (2023-09)

The Web Conference (WWW) is one of the top internet conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyzes all papers published on WWW in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the latest version of this list or the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, please visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2023-09)

To search or review papers within WWW related to a specific topic, please use the search by venue (WWW) and review by venue (WWW) services. To browse the most productive WWW authors by year ranked by #papers accepted, here is a list of most productive WWW authors.