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Paper Digest: MOBICOM 2021 Highlights

Readers can also choose to read this highlight article on our console, which allows users to filter out papers using keywords, authors, etc. International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom) is one of the top conferences on mobile computing and wireless and mobile networking. In 2021, it is to be held online.

To help the community quickly catch up on the work presented in this conference, Paper Digest Team processed all accepted papers, and generated one highlight sentence (typically the main topic) for each paper. Readers are encouraged to read these machine generated highlights / summaries to quickly get the main idea of each paper.

Paper Digest: SIGCOMM 2021 Highlights

Readers can also choose to read this highlight article on our console, which allows users to filter out papers using keywords, authors, etc. SIGCOMM is one of the top data communications and networking conferences in the world. In 2021, it is to be held online.

To help the community quickly catch up on the work presented in this conference, Paper Digest Team processed all accepted papers, and generated one highlight sentence (typically the main topic) for each paper. Readers are encouraged to read these machine generated highlights / summaries to quickly get the main idea of each paper.

Most Influential ACL Papers (2021-08)

Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) is one of the top natural language processing conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyze all papers published on ACL in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2021-08)

Most Influential KDD Papers (2021-08)

ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) is one of the top data mining conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyze all papers published on KDD in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2021-08)

Most Influential ICCV Papers (2021-08)

The International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) is one of the top computer vision conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyze all papers published on ICCV in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2021-08)

Most Influential AAAI Papers (2021-08)

The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) is one of the top artificial intelligence conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyze all papers published on AAAI in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2021-08)

Most Influential NAACL Papers (2021-08)

The North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL) is one of the top natural language processing conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyze all papers published on NAACL in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2021-08)

Most Influential CVPR Papers (2021-08)

The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) is one of the top computer vision conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyze all papers published on CVPR in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2021-08)

Most Influential BMJ Papers (2021-08)

The BMJ is a weekly peer-reviewed medical trade journal, published by the trade union the British Medical Association (BMA). The BMJ has editorial freedom from the BMA. It is one of the world's oldest general medical journals. Paper Digest Team analyze all papers published on BMJ in the past years, and presents the 10 most influential papers for each year (based on when the paper became available online). This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Last updated on: 2021-09-01)

Most Influential IJCAI Papers (2021-08)

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) is one of the top artificial intelligence conferences in the world. Paper Digest Team analyze all papers published on IJCAI in the past years, and presents the 15 most influential papers for each year. This ranking list is automatically constructed based upon citations from both research papers and granted patents, and will be frequently updated to reflect the most recent changes. To find the most influential papers from other conferences/journals, visit Best Paper Digest page. Note: the most influential papers may or may not include the papers that won the best paper awards. (Version: 2021-08)