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Articles by "Paper Digest"

Paper Digest: ICLR 2020 Highlights

Download ICLR-2020-Paper-Digests.pdf- highlights of all ICLR-2020 papers.

The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) is one of the top machine learning conferences in the world. In 2020, it is to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. There were 2,594 paper submissions, of which 48 accepted as 10 minute oral presentations, 107 accepted as 4 minute spotlight presentations and 532 as poster presentations. Around 200 papers also published their code (download link).

ICLR 2020 Papers with Code

We identified around 200 ICLR 2020 papers that have code or data published. We list all of them in the following table. Since the extraction step is done by machines, we may miss some papers. Let us know if more papers can be added to this table.

NeurIPS 2019 Papers with Code/Data

We identified more than 70 NIPS-2019 papers that have code or data published. We list all of them in the following table. Since the extraction step is done by machines, we may miss some papers. Let us know if more papers can be added to this table.

Paper Digest: CIKM 2019 Highlights

The ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) is an annual computer science research conference dedicated to information management and knowledge management. In 2019, it is to be held in Beijing, China. There were 1,031 paper submissions, of which 202 were accepted as long papers.

EMNLP 2019 Papers with Code/Data

We identified ~40 EMNLP 2019 papers that have code or data published. We list all of them in the following table. Since the extraction step is done by machines, we may miss some papers. Let us know if more papers can be added to this table.

Paper Digest: EMNLP 2019 Highlights

Download EMNLP-2019-Paper-Digests.pdf- highlights of all ~680 EMNLP-2019 papers.
The Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) is one of the top natural language processing conferences in the world. In 2019, it is to be held in Hong Kong, China. There were 1,813 long paper submissions, of which 465 were accepted and 1,063 short paper submissions, of which 218 were accepted. A large number of these papers also published their code ( code download link).

ICCV 2019 Papers with Code/Data

We identified around 150 ICCV 2019 papers that have code or data published. We list all of them in the following table. Since the extraction step is done by machines, we may miss some papers. Let us know if more papers can be added to this table.